Chapter 15

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Josh's POV

Maybe I over reacted with Jen? I paist back and forth. "Josh calm down it was just a small fight." Sam says. "No I think I took it to dramatic. I yelled at Jen. I didn't even let her finish her sentences." I say. I put my hands on my forehead. "What if she gets mad enough to break up with me?" I mourn.

"Josh your over reacting. It was just a small fight. Every couple has them, don't worry. And Jen won't break up with you. I'm pretty sure she won't get that mad." He says. I start to panic a bit. I just want everything to be perfect with me and Jen. Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect couple. But we can try to make the best of our relationship. 

Sam comes to me and looks me in the eye. He tries to force my arms to fall back down to my sides. "Sit down Josh and calm down." He says. He sits me down. But I still panic a bit. My elbows are on my knees and my forehead burried in my hands. 

"Josh its ok. I can tell you the number of times I faught with my wife and you wouldn't believe me. And look at us we are as happy as we can be." I take a look at him. Maybe he's right. Maybe I am over reacting. It was just a small fight. I eventually get calm enough to lift up my head. Jen and I are fine. But why hasn't she called me? I haven't called her because I thought she needed some space. Maybe she thinks the same? I hope. She isn't even here yet. Why? There wasn't any traffic when I came here. I don't know?

"I'm going to call her." I tell Sam. "You do that. I need to go change. So I'll see you in a couple of minutes." He gives me a slap in the arm of encouragement. I nod at him with a smile. Before he leaves I stop him. "Thanks Sam." I say. "Nah don't sweat it but hey what are friends for." He says with a smirk before leaving.

I then pick up my phone and dial Jen's number. In the first ring she answers. "Hello? Josh?" She says with a surprised voice. "Jen I wanted to say I'm sorry for what happend today in the morning." I say. 

"What?" She starts to laugh a little. Is that a good thing? "I was just going to call just now to tell you I'm sorry." She says. Once I understand why she started to laugh a little I also laugh. "Ok so are you coming to set?" I say.

"Ya its just I'm stuck in some traffic. Woah the car is literly fliped over."  She says. "Wow really." I say surprised. That must be bad. "Ya. It will take a while." She says. 

"You know I love it how you got so jelouse back there." She says. Of course I know she says it with a smile. "What! Psh no that wasn't jelously. I do not get jelouse." I say. "oh Josh. Just admit it. You got jealous! You got jealous!" She says making fun of me.

"I did not." I say laughing. "Ohh so you wouldn't mind that Nicholas is here?" She says. I do a actually start to get deep jealous and start to panic.

"What! Nicholas is with you!" I panic. Jen just bursts into laughter. "And who said who didn't get jealous." Jen teases.

"Ok ok I do get jealous." I admit it. "Only because I love you and I hate sharing. You are mine and mine only." I add.

"I like the sound to that." She says. There a long pause but the Jen speaks. "I'll see you when I get there. I'm about to get a good view of the car plus there'd like tons if police officers and I dont have a Bluetooth nor earphones." She says.

"Ok ill see you here. I love you." I say to her. "I love you too."

"I love you more." She says in a baby voice. "No I love you more." I say back also in a baby voice. "Are we seriously gonna be one of those couples?" She jokes. I laugh. "Ok now hang up." I say normal this time. "No you hang up." She says. "No you." I say. I realize we are doing what those wierd couples do again. "Ok for real. Love you." I say. "Love you too. Bye." And she hangs up.

Then a text from her comes.

'Ha I hanged up first!!!' I laugh.

"Josh you need to learn two things," Sam says scaring the crap out of me. I turn around fast almost falling. He has his head inside from the window. "One, always leave the window close. Second, you both should stop doing that 'love you. No love you more' over and over again crap and the 'you hang up. No you hang up'. Cause that is just some weird shit." He says. 

"What the heck. Why the hell were you easdroppping." I say. "Well its not really condiserd easdropping if everyone can hear it." He says at his defence. "But seriously you should stop that." He says. "Get the fuck out." I say laughing. I put my hand on his face and push him out the window.  I turn around.  

I just check my phone so I can txt Jen back. Even though I just talked to her I still want to talk to her more. Anyway of comunication is fine as long as I talk to her. 

"Hey! What did I just say! Keep the window close." Sam yells while laghing. I quickly close the window and make sure the sheets that cover it are secure.  


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