Chapter 25

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Jennifer's POV 

It's already seven o'clock. Nick should be coming anytime now. Just right now a knock comes from the door. I take a deep breath and open the door. He stands there.

"Hey." He says. I don't speak. I just wrap my arms around him. All I want is comfort right now. I'm a mess, I feel horrible. "Is something wrong?" He asks. "It's nothing." I whisper. "Are you sure?"

Before I can speak he just dives in a kisses me. He puts his hands on my face and starts to kiss me harder. I don't do anything. I stand motionless. I don't know why? Why arn't I moving? Move away Jennifer! 

Josh's POV

I walk to Jen's apartment. I'm ready. I'm going up to her and I'm going tell her I love her and that I'm...

I stop. My breath runs right out of me. I can't see anything but Jen and Nicholas kissing right in front of my eyes. A tear slips out of my eye. But then sadness fades away and the anger kicks in deep.

I scream and I charge at Nick. I throw myself at him and we fall to the floor. I get on top if him and I punch him in the face. I just keep punching him. He starts to bleed from his nose. "Josh stop!" Jen screams. She grabs me and pulls me into the apartment.

She pushes me to the floor. When Nicholas walks in he comes at me. He pushes me all the way to the wall and he starts to choke me "Nicholas! No! Stop!"She starts to scream. I can't breath. I'm turning purple. Right when I'm about to faint he let's go. I fall to the floor, holding my neck, and painting hard.

"Get out Josh!" Nicholas screams at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Jen screams at him. She pushes him out of the way and she kneels in front of me. "Josh are you ok?" She says as she runs her hand threw my hair. She puts her hand on my cheek.

"Get away from me." I scowl. She gasps and takes her hands slowly back.

I burst into tears. "Why are you doing this? I loved you. Why did you cheat on me? What did I do wrong?" I ask her in tears. She just stays silent and tears come out of her also.

"Josh get over her, she doesn't love you." Nicholas surly thinks he has a right to answer for her. He wipes the blood of his nose and looks at me with a smirk in his lips. I look at him with an evil eye.

"You son of a bitch!" I scream and all my pain is gone for a second. I get up and I throw myself at him. He falls to the floor. "You son of a bitch!" I grab his shirt and I keep punching him, nonstop.

"You son of a bitch!" I keep yelling. My hand starts to hurt; each time my fist meets his face it shoots a pain threw my nuckles. I would have kept going but Jennifer grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from him.

"Why did you do this to me? If you didn't want to be with me I would have understand! You didn't have to go behind and cheat on me! What? You-you thought I was someone pathetic?" I yell at her.

"Josh please listen to me." She says with her hands up. She slowly walks towards me but each step closer is a step I take back. "Your a liar! Your a liar!" I yell in tears. "Josh please I do love you! I love you to the point where I can die for you but I also still have feelings for Nicholas. It's hard to let go. He kissed me, I would never cheat on someone I love." She explains.

She looks back at Nicholas, "tell him you kissed me and it wasn't ny fault."You two were dating?" Nicholas stutters the words and almost looses balance.

"Oh I see. You didn't just lie to me but also him," I chuckle, "so I'm not the only victim here." I point at Nicholas. "He didn't knew that we were dating. Well you know what Nicholas! For the past month Jen and I were together." I tell him.

"What? Look I'm sorry I never knew she was with you that's why I kissed her. If I had known..." He doesn't need to say more for me to know what he's going to say next.

"See I told you. I didn't kiss him." She says. "Your lying." I scowl. "No Josh." I stop her from saying more.

"Your lying! How can you do this to me! Especially on Valentine's day. That day was sopose to be special! We were going to show eachother we loved eachother! We were going to make love! We were going to bond!" I cry out. "Josh! Please you have to belive me! Please! I love you!" She starts to cry. "I was going to forgive you! I wanted things to go back like the way they were but I guess you made other plans." I scowl. "I'm sory please I love you." She whispers. 

I begin to cry also. I can't even breath. "Liar." I whisper under my cries. And I walk out. 

Jennifer's POV

Josh walks out. I can't cry anymore. I have no more tears to shed. No more of a voice to scream of pain and agony. No more energy to run to him. I can't...I can't. I just keep noding and telling myself in my head, "its not real, its not real." But its a lie. And then I feel and pair of arms wrap around me. for a second I though it was Josh but as I open my eyes I see its Nick. 

I huge him back and cry in his chest.

Josh's POV

I cried the entire way home. I had to constantly wipe the tears off my face because it was preventing me from seeing the street. I walk inside and slam the door. I turn around, grinning my teeth, putting my hands on the wall and I scream. I scream from the top of my lungs. From anger I punch the wall, causing it to make a hole. I scream but not of a sorrow type of pain from my heart but a pain from my hand. I take out my hand and I see blood. My hand starts to shake. I think I broke my hand. 


What do you guys think? I hope you liked this chapter! It was pretty hard for my to write it but in a way kind of exiting. Tell me what you think. Your questions, thoughts, opinions. I really want to know what you guys think of this chapter. Please comment and vote!

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