Chapter 28

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Jennifer's POV 

I watch the ground below from the window of the plane. I'm heading to L.A because of the Oscars. I'm really excited. I should be thinking about what I'm going to wear and what I'm going to say if I do win one. I don't know. If I do I'll be happy but if I don't, hey there's always next year. I don't know. After the hunger games I have half a mind to take time off of acting. Maybe settle down somewhere and then I can go back to acting. But I can't fit all that in my mind. The thought of Josh takes all the space in my mind.

All I can think about is that lst kiss we had. Its not your last kiss! Stop saying that Jennifer! But I can't stop thinking it. What if it is? 

Nicholas sits next to me. He wanted to acompany me to LA. I don't mind he's a friend. I haven't talked to him. Since we boarded the plane, not a single word has come out from his mouth. Anyways I have to see him everyday because were filming X-Men. 

He asks me once in a while if I'm ok. But I just nod to reply. In the reflection of the window I see the flight attendant ask Nick something. "Is everything fine?" She asks. "Yes everything is delightful but may I have a glass of water for me and my lady here." He says and then I suddenly feel his fingers wrap around mine. I turn around. The woman nods and walks away with a smile. 

I sigh and take my hand back. He just looks at me and with a face meaning to say, "sorry." I just look at him. I don't want to argue or anything. I'm not in the mood to. "Here you go sir." she says handing him the water. "Thank you." He replies with a nod. 

She leaves and he turns to me. "I'm sorry Jen." He says. "Its ok." But for some reason I have the urge to hold his hand. I love Josh but there's something about Nick that doesn't let me let go of him. I grab his hand and hold it tight. I give a forced smile and he smiles back. But then he he frowns.

"Are you ok?" He asks. "Ye-yeah." I stutter. I just feel wrong but right. This right now feels so right but so wrong that the same time. Which one! "Because you are cutting the circulation in my hand and you are shaking like crazy." He says. I am shaking. I didn't realize it. I let go. He looks at me with a worry look but I turn away before he can say anything else. Maybe that was my conciouse telling me this is wrong but my othere conciouse is in relief from feeling his touch. 

Josh's POV

I enter my hotel room. I came to LA just for a short vacation. Lora beggend me to take a break. She said she would keep an eye on Andre. The doctor said it was a miracle he didn't die after what just happend. Literally a miracle. They have no idea what happened. That gave me some hope that a miracle can happen for me and Jen but, I have to admit, a part of me doubts it. Half of me has the urge to want to be with her and the other, well not so much. 

I gave Claudia a ride by the way. She asked me to. Her car broked down and everyone was busy. I didn't want to be rude and lie. I'm not one to hold grudges. We talked and were friedns. Everything is cool between us. But I have to admit it was kinda awkward. But she seemed kinda flirty with me. I kind of liked it. No I don't! Stop it Josh! Jennifer is the one you love!  Your just liking it because your hurting right now. I just keep repeating that over and over in my hand. 

Comeing to L.A was on purpose. I just wanted to come here because Jennifer is here.

I hope she doesn't let me go because I won't. I'll never let go. 

Jennifer's POV

I'm in my hotel room getting my clothing out of my lugadge. Someone knocks and I head to the door. "Hey! Guess what I brought!" It's Blain carring Chaz bono.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much!" I yell.

"Thank you, I missed you too." Blain says with a smile. "I wasn't talking to you!" I say joking. He opens his mouth and I grab ny cat. I squeeze him and craddle him in my arms.

"Sassy!" He says sarcastic like. "I'm just joking. I did miss you." I say laughing. He comes in and I lock the door.

"So hows it going?" I ask while kissing Janzbozo. "I think the real question is, how are you doing?" He says.

I sigh and put down my cat. Mostly because he was squirming to get out of my arms. We love eachother but 5 minutes later were annoyed by eachother.

"I'm ok." I say, stuffing my hands in my back pockets.

"You sure? By the way why is Nicholas here?" He asks me. "Oh I asked him to."

"Oh ok. Are two back together or something?" He asks.

"Well something like that." I say,"I don't know? In his mind we are but I don't know?"

"Oh ok because your going to need to tell mom that you two broke up and you were with Josh for a while." He explains. "You didn't tell her?" I ask him. "No, I told mom that kiss that you and Josh had was just an accident. It was just a work thing." He says. "Everyone thinks that now." He says. I nod.

"So people still think I'm still with Nick?" I ask him. "Ya," and he nods. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "Oh we just got settled into our rooms. I got here early from the airport to come see you so I got done with unpacking first. Everyone else is exausted." He explains. I nod. 

"You exited?" He asks. "Ya I am." I say laughing. "You got compotition this year." He says. "Psh I know that already." I say sarcastic. After he just helps me unpack. 


Sorry there's not really much in this chapter. I hope you guys like it anyways. Please comment and vote. I promise it would get better. 


A Love that's Hard to Find: Joshifer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now