1. not just another one...

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my dad and i were slightly nervous today we were getting new nieghbors today and lets just say the last nieghbors hadnt been the friendlyiest they ended up moving because of us apperently. i was sat looking out of my window when i noticed the moving van pull up i saw a women get out , she looked in her mid forties. i told my dad they had arrived , he looked at her too she was moving all the furniture into the house by her self and seemed to be struggeling so i suggested to my dad to go help her and he nodded and introduced him self , by that time i was beginning to gag i couldnt bear watching my dad flirt with another women so i decided to call my bestfriend jamie over , he was 16 like me we had dated a few years back that was actuly the reason we were so close. he said he would be over in an hour so i decided to take flynn for a walk. it was cold as it was now the end of december it was also really foggy. i was walking back when i fell over somthing or someone it was a grumpy looking teenage boy i couldnt really tell his facial features he was sat with his legs stretched out into the path he just grunted not lifting his eyes from his phone , god what was his problem. when i got home jamie was already there waiting shivering outside my house. i gave him a quick hug before entering the house he turned the xbox on straight away we played for about 3 hours the sun had come out so we decided to play voliball in my back garden , jamie was super fit and great at sports i was basicly completely shit at sports.  i was trying to get the ball over the net i was getting fustrated so i hit it really hard it went over the net and into next doors garden , we then heard an "oww" next thing i knew a gorgous boy with brown curly hair apperae above the fence his features lit up immidiatly when he saw me i was wearing very short shorts and a bikini top i walked over to collect the ball from him he gave it to me and said " brad u?" i quietly said "melanie" i was still blushing at the fact he was quite obvisuly checking me out he smiled aain before disapearing behind the fence i turned to jamie who was wiggeling his eye brows at me he shouted at me "u totally dig him" i was soo embaressed as brad could obvisuly hear me he was only behind the fence!!!

not just another one... (brad will simpson the vamps)Where stories live. Discover now