5. confused

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brads pov

i woke up at 6 o clock , last night was amazing but now im confused are we an item? i ran into the bathroom and got a shower. i did feel slightly jealous that jamie had slept over last night , but they were bestfriends. my phone buzzed


i think iv made a mistake we need to talk face to face x chloe

i froze up i still had feelings for her but she broke up with me , she was crying when we talked on the phone. id just got changed and it was 7 o clock when i decided to text her back

to:chloe <3

i dont know if i can im really sorry , but long distance would of never worked

with that i grabbed an apple and headed for melanies house. i was greeted by a sleepy jamie who was only in his underwear , he smirked at me before letting me in. i sat at her table , i was pretty sad already and becoming jealous of jamie was only making it worse , i decided to listen to some music through my headphones so i didnt have to think. melanie ran down the stairs she must not of noticed me because she ran past me to get some stuff to get changed into she was only wearing a towel and some socks. i felt my cheeks go pink and jamie glared at me , i laughed a little causing melanie to notice me she jumped and screamed and ran upstairs. about 5 minutes later she came down stairs fully dressed. i took my headphones out and smiled at her she ruffled my hair and said "were going to be late" and with that she pulled my arm to the front door. jamie said he wasnt going to school because he was "ill" im pretty sure he planned melanie would stay home and look after him but she didnt. we walked to school in silence but it wasnt an akward silence it was nice. when we neared the bus stop she turned to me and asked "do you like me or im i just another girl" i felt bad for yesturday because the truth was those girls on the bus had recognised me from my band and they were only throwing themselves at me because they wanted to meet james. i still missed my band but im glad that james is making it on his own and tristan and conner were now playing for another band , but i was still me and no more music my mum had forced to stop when we moved because she said there was no point. i sighed and put a piece of hair behind her ear she blushed and smiled she looked really innocent even though i knew she wasnt. i smiled at her and with that she kissed my cheek. when we got to the bus stop she introduced me to some of her friends which all seemed to be boys. they seemed nicer towards me. i sat next to nat on the bus he was really cool he played football and used to be in a band himself. i asked him "whats the deal with melanie and jamie" he said " she broke up with him when he didnt take no for an answer they were only 14 it was understandable , jamie has never really moved on though because he still feels stupid for blowing it , he went on a bender for about a year until melanie came back into his life but this time as bestfriends but its pretty clear he still loves her" as soon as he said that i felt really bad for flirting with melanie she probubly still loved him too and i was only getting in the way. when we got off the bus i went to form and the girls were there again they latched them selves to my arms i smiled rather akwardly and then the questions came again about "james". once form was over i headed to science , i hadnt had that class before. i walked in to see melanie sitting at a desk by her self she smiled at me and told me too sit next to her , i smiled and accepted. the teacher introduced me to the rest of the class i smiled as innocently as i could , im pretty sure melanie noticed because she was smirking next to me. once class had finished it was break i decided to hang with melanie because i wanted to find out how she fel about jamie. when i asked her she looked at the ground and said "i really love him" my heart stopped after last night and this morning i was turning around but she grabbed my shoulder and said "you didnt let me finish so as i was saying i really love him but more like a brother he blew his chance when he started trying things with me and besided iv had boyfriends since him" i smiled at her so this meant she wasnt taken and wasnt heart broken i took this as my chance to ask her on a date but it cam out more like "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithmetothemoviestonightbutyoudonthavetoifyoudontwant" she smiled and said "i didnt quite get that" so i said it more clearly " would you like to go on a date with me tonight to the movies you dont have" she cut me off by kissing me i was taken back but i smiled into the kiss and said "take that as a yes" she nodded then the bell rang she walked off to her next lesson and i to mine

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