35. court

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brads pov

today was the day mel and i were dreading , mel got out of hospital around a week ago and i think shes just about got over the shock of someone trying to kill her.

today was the day we were going into court for chloes trial. i cant even describe how i feel towards chloe right now , anger , disgust , disapointment , i just dont understand how i even loved her for so long. although i may feel this way towards her , i dont want her to go to jail , she will crumble in there , she wouldnt last 3 days , im sure if chloe would of killed mel she would of regretted it later , it was just the jealousy getting the better of her.

mel took forever to get ready , i was beginning to think she had done a runner or was refusing to come. but with one minute to spare she finally came downstairs.

"morning" she smiled , i smiled back before getting up and hugging her. it was a long hug , i wanted her to feel safe with me , and that i would never let anyone hurt her. when she eventully pulled away she gave me a confused look

"what" i laughed

"nothing" she shrugged

"are you going to be okay today" i asked

"hmmm" she mumbled

"if you dont want to go its fine , i can give the statement in  by myself" i suggested

"no , i want to go , i want to show chloe im better then her , i want to show her im strong" she said. i nodded and grabbed her hand and slowly pulled her towards my car.

it took around 20 minutes to get to court , it wasnt a very lively looking building , it was drab and gloomy , but i suppose it should be , no one ever goes to court for a good reason.

iv only ever been to court once , when my mother was pressing charges against my father for domestic abuse , i dont remeber much , she cried alot , and my dad became even more angry at her , i was about 8 years old.

mel snapped me out of my thoughts when she placed a kiss on my cheek.

"ready to go inside" she questioned , i nodded , she intertwined our fingers , and led me to the large doors of the building.

we couldnt get in straight away , we had to be buzzed in. which took quite a while , as we forgot our ID so we had no evidence to proove we were who we said we were , we only maniged to get in when mels lawyer recognised her.

we walked up the staircase , and took a seat in the waiting room. i glanced around the room , there were a couple of middle age men in wigs , the jury and some lawyers , then i spotted chloe. she was sat there trembling , she didnt look well , she looked as if she hadnt slept for days , she had mascara on her cheeks , due to previusly crying. i felt slightly bad seeing her like this , but then i remembered what she tried to do to mel and all my sympathy left me.

it was 11:51am and the trial was due to start at 12:05am so that meant we had 14 minutes to kill. mel went to the toilet around 4 times in those 15 mintues the nerves were really getting to her , chloe had realised we had entered the room and she began sobbing again , and i just sat there nervously playing with my tye.

after what seemed like forever we were asked to enter the court room. it looked different to the way i remebered it , granted it was a different one , but surley they would all look similar. it was like a sports hall , with loads of wooden desks in it then about 5 or 6 wooden podiums then one tall podium which is where the judge sat.

the trial was to take anywhere from 1 hour to 10 hours depending on how long chloe's side will give evidence for. this was going to be an intresting day.

chloe was pleading not guilty. her lawyer was the first one to take to one of the podiums , he gave evidence like , she wasnt present at the time that mel was given the drink , and mel tried to poisen her self to frame chloe , which was a load of bullshit.

i was the next to stand up and give my say. i told them exactly what i remebered , which wasnt alot because i was rather drunk.

when i sat down again , i saw mel nervously wispering to her self at the other side of the room , i smiled at her to try and reassure her , she smiled , and stopped fretting.

when mel finally got to say her bit , she was rather nervous and shaky walking up to the stand , she cleared her throat and began to talk

"the evening started off nice , we went from her house to the club , then we met up with some of chloes and brads old friends inside the club , i felt slightly uncomfterble around them because i could tell they didnt like me , chloe noticed i was being akward and pulled me to the side to talk , at the end of our chat she handed me a cup with a type of drink in it. i thought chloe was my friend so i wasnt suspicius and took a large gulp of it , it tasted funny , i asked her if it was alcaholic and she said and i quote , its not alcahol thats making it taste funny , then she laughed and wandered back to her friends , at that point alarm bells should of been ringing for me , but i was tired so i just ignored it , around half an hour later , i began feeling really dizzy and sick , so i sat down at the bar by my self , about 5 mintues later , chloe's friend daniel came and joined me , he asked me if i was doing okay , and that he would take me to the hospital if i wanted him too , i didnt take up his offer and shook my head , then everything went fuzzy and i remeber seeing chloe then brad and then all i saw was black. the next morning i woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of what happend the night before after the blacking out part"

she stepped down from the podium and walked back to her seat. i was proud of mel , she didnt get all nervous , she actully sounded confident.

we were sent out of the court room at 1:48pm , for the jury and the judge make there final decisions.

what was it to be was chloe guilty or not guilty?

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