30. wait what

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mels pov

i was on my way to my last lesson which chloe wasnt in , but brad was.  typical english weather , raining. i ran through the yard and into the next building. i had maths.

i was slightly late , but not that late , when i walked into the classroom , everyones heads turned to me , brad smiled at me. i made my way over to my seat (next to brad)

"what time do you call this wright?" miss rodon snarled

"im only a mintue late"

"dont asnwer back to me , you will be at my room tommorow at the start of lunch"

"fine" i huffed

i heard brad wisper "bitch" which made me laugh , and miss rodon turn around and glare at us. she set us partner work , which wasnt the best news as niether me or brad were very smart. we were working on how to find out the x decimal in an equation , it was like learning to speak a completly different language.

"so how are you coping with the whole chloe back thing" i said ignoring the fact that we hadnt done any work

"at first it was abit strange but i only have one lesson with her anyway soo i can just avoid her" he replied

"well shes asked me to come to this party thing with her"

"she doesnt have any friends so it wont be much of party" he laughed

"yeah well its going to be me and her and some of her old friends from the school that you went to"

"no your not going" he relpied sharply

"wait what , you dont controll me" i said sounding offended

"your not going and thats that"

"why?" i questioned obviously intrested in what the big deal was

"i dont want you hanging around with people like them , they bring out a different side to people" he said sounding abit more calm

"well i have already promised , im sorry"

"you can go but im going with you" he stated

"she said girls only"

"well im going anyway" he said protectivly

"yeah i kind of knew you would say that" i laughed. He smiled and started playing with my hands

"im not trying to come across as controlling , i just dont want you hanging around with people like them" brad said while resting his on my shoulder

"aww your soo cute" i said while kissing his cheek "whats soo bad about them anyway?" brad looked at the ground and mumbled somthing

"brad whats wrong" i questioned

"there just dangerous , they , i , we all hung out and i guess it was my fault in the end that i was expelled but they had a part in it too" he explained , he looked really ashamed of him self , i smiled and hugged him , which would of been a cute thing to do if miss rodon hadnt of noticed

"right , you two have sat and done nothing this entire lesson , mel get up , and move" she shouted , i removed my arms from brad , and dragged my self from the chair to the other side of the room. i smiled weakly at brad as i sat down.

"right class , tommorows lesson will be interesting we have a couple of students from set 2 moving up" miss rodon smiled , what did she mean new students , that meant new seating plan , and that meant i wasnt sitting next to brad anymore , i huffed silently.

since i had been moved from brad the lesson had become really reall really slow and really really really boring , it felt as if that lesson had lasted for 3 hours , but it hadnt even been 50 minutes . i had another 10 minutes left till the end of school , i tapped my fingers on the desk , i didnt think i was being loud , but apparently i was so miss rodon shouted at me and sent me outside her classroom. this day was becoming worse and worse.

the bell rang , which almost made me fall over , i had almost fallen asleep outside her class room , and well the bell made me jump. i heard alot of clattering , then some students left the classroom , then i heard louder clattering and alot more students piled out of the classroom , including brad , but he said he would wait for me.

once i was sure there was no one else in the classroom , i made my way back inside it , i went to collect my book but miss rodon stopped me

"young lady , i dont like whats become of you" she said

"i dont know what you mean i havent changed" i snapped

"yes you have , ever since you have been hanging out with brad , you know getting yourself in trouble wont impress him" she said sarcasticly

"you dont even know brad , so why are you judging him?"

"trust me love i know alot more than you , i know all about his school past , i dont think you guys should hang out anymore" she stated

there was a long pause , until i heard a bang , it was brad , he had kicked somthing , i gathered all my things up and shoved them in my bag  and ran out of the classroom ,trying to catch up with brad

"BRAD" i shouted , hoping he would hear me and stop , no answer , he just kept walking

"BRAD" i shouted again , he turned around and just looked right through me. i sighed when i realised that all the buses had left meaning i would have to walk home , but atleast i would have some time to talk to brad

"brad" this time i said it more calmly as i was only around a metre away from him

"what" he scoffed

"whats wrong" i replied in the same bitter tone he had used on me

"you , you said my past was my past and it was over with" he sounded hurt

"i never said anything about your past that was miss stinking rodent" i said sounding childish , he tried not to laugh

"yeah but you didnt disagree with her"

"i was actully , just thinking , about why she knew so much about you" i tried to explain

"i know thats not true , im not an idiot"he said blankly

"fine , i guess i was thinking about it" i surrendered , he turned to leave , but i didnt let him , i grabbed his wrist and made him face me , he sighed

"but i was also thinking about how much you have changed , what you said earlier really proved that too me , from the fact that you want to proctect me from those people that you used to look upto and used to call your friends , your not like them anymore" i said trying to make him belive what i was saying even if it didnt make sense

"what?" he laughed

"oh you know what i mean" i said sounding more serious

"come here" he said pulling me into a hug , as if on cue , it started raining right then and there , but not just light rain , it was pelting it down.

he pulled away from he smiling

"iv always wanted to do this?" he smirked

"do wha-" i was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine. kissing in the rain , how romantic?

he pulled away from the kiss grinning , i burst out laughing

"what" he said looking a little bit embaressed

"youv got some of my lipstick on your face " i laughed

"eww what no get it off , i probubly look really gay" he said while putting on a camp accent , i wiped it off with my sleeve.

 we had to walk the entire way home , and in total that was 3 miles , through the rain , when we finally got home we were drenched and pretty cold

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