36. guilty or not guilty

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mels pov

i was really starting to freak out , we had been waiting here for nearly an hour and chloe was just sat there staring at me with no expression , brad was trying to calm me down by drawing circles on my hand but it wasnt working.

i kept checking the  clock but everytime i did it just seemed to be going slower. i just really wanted to get out of here and as far away as possible from chloe.

after what seemed to be an eternity we were finally asked to re-enter the court room. we all took our seats , then the judge did that thing with the hammer and called for order. he said some stuff about chloe and me , before he got to the important part. the judge cleared his throat

"we find chloe , guilty of attempted murder and will serve , 6 months community service and is not aloud within 100 yards of melissa , meaning she has to move schools , and a fine of £2000"

i sighed knowing i wouldnt have to face chloe every single day , i was actully happy. brad was happy too , he kissed my cheek and said

"told you everything was going to turn out right" i smiled and nuzzled my head into the cruck of his neck.

after alot more paperwork and some more talking of chloe and the judge we were finally aloud to leave.

me and brad got back into his car , he didnt say anything he just drove. i didnt recognise where he was taking us as he missed the first turn down our street. wed been driving for around 30 minutes when i eventully asked where we were going

"erm brad , i couldnt help but notice this isnt the way home"

"yup" he simply replied

"well why?" i said

"were not going home thats why" he stated

"so where are we going" i questioned

"suprise" he practically sang

"i dont like suprises" i moaned

"well your going to like this one , were here now anyway" i looked up to where 'here' was. we were at a hotel.

"and why are we here" i asked trying to hide my smirk

"happy four months baby" he smiled , oh crap , four months , i completly forgot , with everything going on and the whole chloe thing. im a terrible girlfriend.

"oh yeah" i muttered

"babe its okay if you forgot , who could blame you with the entire chloe thing" he laughed

"but i feel terrible , i let chloe get to me and i completly forgot about us" i said with my head down

"hey hey" he said lifting my head up "no more crying" he cooed , i smiled and took this oppertunity to kiss him

"wow , were not even inside yet" he chuckled , i playfully hit his arm. he got out of the car and i followed him.

i waited in a spinny chair , while he checked us in.

"having fun there" he said laughing at the fact i was just spinning around in the chair

"i got bored okay" i said hopping off , i completly forgot i had been spinning and that i was dizzy , and i stumbled over and fell on the floor. but instead of brad helping me he practically fell over him self from laughing.

"not funny" i cried

"but it totally was" he said still laughing

"ill get you back for that" i smirked

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