34. what the hell happend last night

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mels pov

i woke up with a splitting head ache , i must of drunk alot , i have never had a hangover this bad. i rolled over in the bed , wait i rolled over , that means its a double bed , neither me or brad have a double bed. that means this isnt my bed. i jumped up quickly and found out i was topless and in just my underwear. i saw a lump underneath the bed sheets , i dreaded to find out what or who was under there.

i lifted the duvet up slowly , to my horror i found daniels half naked body laying there. i paniced , brad can't know i cheated on him , i dont even remember cheating on him , i just remeber seeing brad and then chloe  and then a kiss , then all i saw was black.

i ran down the hallway until i got to the toilet , i locked the door and put the toilet lid down and sat down with my knees hunched up. i broke down , i couldnt controll it , i just sobbed , i began thinking of ways to tell brad , i knew he would be angry at first but we could get past that , but i dont know if we could get past the the fact that i broke his trust.

i looked around the bathroom , for somthing i could put on my top half. i found an old baggy grey jumper i also found some blue shorts , which i also slid on.

i tiptoed out of the bathroom , and down the stairs. the house looked familiar. too familiar. wait a minute is this chloes house. i checked the label in the jumper. it read 'chloe age 13' wow shes had this jumper for quite a while.

my hands began to shake when i found my phone. i had to tell him , the longer i leave it the worse it gets. i scrolled through the list of names , until i came across brads. i slowly clicked the ring button. my voice was still shaky as i was still crying. he picked up rather grumpily

brad: who ever this is im going to kill you do you know what bloody time it is

i checked the time , omg , its 7:27am on a sunday oops

mel : brad its me

brad : mel are you okay

mel : no

brad: well are you going to tell me whats wrong

mel: i want to but

brad: but what , look if its about yesturday , just let me explain

mel: no brad its me who needs to do the explaining

brad: so go on

mel: not now do you mind picking me up

brad: yeah sure where you at

mel : chloes house

brad: cant you just walk home then

mel: oh yeah i guess , see you soon , i love you

with that i put the phone down and , grabbed my purse and left chloes house. i walked down the street , because it was early it was also like -17 degrees (not litrully) and i was just in shorts. i began running to warm my self up abit. i soon reached my house.

i didnt want to go in , go in and face him. i could tell he would end it , he wouldnt want to be with a lying cheating cow. i slowly turned the key in the door. i walked inside , i found brad in the living room with a blanket rapped around him.

"hey" he smiled , he stood up and i went over to kiss him , i kissed him with more passion then i should of , because he got the wrong idea , i just wanted our last kiss to be a good one.

"hey" i smiled back weakly

"so what is so important that you had to wake me up at 7:30"he laughed , but he soon became more serious when he saw i had begun crying. he ran over to me and held my hand

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