33. party (part 1)

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mels pov

saturday night came fast , i was slightly nervous about going to chloes party but brad said he wouldnt leave me so i shouldnt have anything to worry about.

getting ready is never easy you have to find the perfect outfit then you have to style your hair and do your nails and make-up. boys have it so much easier. speaking of boys brads just got home.

i crept down the stairs silently , trying to scare him again. i tiptoed down the hallway  and was about to leap out from behind the door , when something or someone got there first. i screamed , brad just laughed.

"stop sneeking up on me" he said

"im sorry , i couldnt resist" i laughed

"you all set for tonight then?"

"yeah what do ya think" i said twirling around. he stood there pretending to think for a minute.

"honey that dress with those shoes , are you trying to look stupid" he said with a camp accent

"omg hahaha , not but seriously" i said

"you look lovely , now come on we need to go" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the house. it was freezing outside , i had forgotten my jacket.

"do we have to walk" i moaned

"yes , chloes house is only over there" he said pointing at the end of the street

"but im freezing" i said , he took his jacket off and handed me it

"no because then youll be cold" i said pushing it back

"your so stubborn" he laughed "guess ill have to keep you warm like this" he pulled me into a hug.

"how exactly are we going to move" i laughed. he didnt say anything he just started walking with me infront of him , not knowing where i was walking. we got to about half way down the street when it all took a turn for the worse , i missed a step and because i had heels on , i tumbled down onto the floor dragging brad with me. luckily we just missed a puddle.

"erm you okay mel" he said while getting out of the akward position wed fallen in.

"will be as soon as you remove your head from my chest" i laughed. he got up and pulled me up after him.

"how about we just hold hands" i suggested.

"that sounds slightly more safe" he said , while wrapping his hand around mine.

by the time we had finally got to chloes it was around 7pm and getting dark. we knocked on the door once , no answer , twice , no answer , third time and someone finally opened it.

"welcome" the familiar voice said. why was daniel at her house already , how did he even know where she lived. he pulled the door wide open , i hid my eyes behind my hands , he was stood there topless and only in boxers. brad shuffled uncomfterbly.

"are you going to come in or just stand there" he said while walking into the living room. we followed him in.

"are you going to put some clothes on" brad said sarcasticly

"yup" he said while pulling a shirt off a pile of washing and grabbing some trousers from the sofa. me and brad sat there in silence , watching him get changed , i couldnt help but stare , he had a rather nice body , i felt eyes on me , i looked at brad he was glaring at me , then i looked at daniel who was smirking.

"so are you ready to go then" i heard chloe say from the kitchen

"yeah , think were about done" daniel said smugly , me and brad got up from the sofa , and follwed daniel and chloe out of the house and into her car.

"tonights going to be interesting" she said while we all sat down in the car. what did she mean by that.


when we arrived at the club i felt abit nervous. brad held my hand tighter as we got out of the car. when we got into the club , i was beggining to get worried , it was so dark , if i ever lost brad or chloe i would never be able to find them again.

we all made our way over to the bar. we waited for about 5 minutes in an akward silence until a bunch of loud trashy girls came running towards us , carrying balloons and banners. as soon as chloe saw them she squeeled and ran towards them. brad rolled his eyes.

"oh , so brads here" one of the girls questioned

"hey amy" brad said effortlessly , she didnt answer him she just turned around and ignored him.

"thankyou for at least trying to be civil , shes just being immiture" i wispered into his ear , he smiled and I kissed his cheek. the girl who i assume was chloe , pretended to gag. i just ignored them , they were acting like children , and if i recall correctly it was chloe who ended it with brad.

chloe must of sensed i was feeling abit uncomfterble as she pulled me to the side to 'talk'

"everything okay" she asked

"yeah fine , i just think your friends are giving brad abit of a hard time" i explained , she nodded before speaking again

"do you want a  drink?"

"err yeah sure" i answered , she handed the cup which was previusly in her hand , i took a sip , it didnt taste like a non alcaholic drink.

"is there any alcahol in here?"

"err no , its not alcahol thats making it taste wierd" she giggled , and before i had time to question what it was , she skipped off , joining her circle of friends again. i followed her slowly , but instead of gossiping i talked to brad.

it had been a good half an hour since we first arrived , and i didnt realy feel like dancing , or doing anything for that matter , i was in alot of pain , my tummy really hurt , and if i jumped about too much i would probubly be sick. i also had a headache too , and i must of looked terrible , as i kept getting either a chill or a hot flush. and to make it better id maniged to loose brad as well , and i was sat at the bar with daniel , who said he would keep me company.

i had a couple more drinks , but then my vision completly changed , everything was different , i felt well again , i scanned the dance floor for brad , and when i found him i wish i hadnt , he was there with chloe , they wernt exactly dirty dancing , but it didnt look very clean. i felt anger raise up inside me , but it was a more intense anger , it began swollowing me up , everything went fuzzy , and then everything went black.

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