6. the date

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melanies pov

i was getting nervous as brad said he would pick me up at 6 and i shoud wear somthing casual so i was debating between my black acid wash skinny jeans a jumper and my nike blazers or my denim skater dress and my white vans. i settled on my first option i was almost finished with my make-up when i heard i knock on the door i opened it expecting brad but it wasnt brad it was his mom , i looked at her confused she asked for my dad , i called him he walked downstairs looking smart in a suit , wait what are they dating , brad appeared from behind his mom he smiled at me and led me towards his car , he told me we were going to the cinima to watch twilight , i was slightly shocked he wanted to go watch such a girly movie but i knocked it off. we talked the whole journey to the cinima i found out loads about him , i hadnt really told him much about me but he understood when i said it was personal. he bought me some popcorn and a diet coke. we sat in the theatre and probubly ate all the popcorn while the adverts were on. we were about half way through the film when the first sex scene came on i could see brads cheeks heating up and he didnt remove his eyes from the screen he must of seen me staring because he turned to me and asked if everything was okay i just nodded and smirked. once the film had finished he took me back to his place becuase our perants were together next door. he brought out some cold pizza from the fridge. we sat and watched eastenders , it was getting late i yawned brad asked if i wanted to sleep there for the night i nodded and went next door to grab my stuff. i went in the living room to tell my dad where i was going , when i walked in i wish i didnt he was sat there with brads mum on his lap and they were kissing. i ran out of the room crying , they didnt even notice , but brad did he enveloped me in a hug and asked me what was wrong. i told him everything " my dad was with your mum and they were kissing and i just feel so betrayed for mum she died a year ago and hes already moving on he promiced he wouldnt ever love anyone the way he loved her ,  she died holding his hand after he made that promice and now hes broken it" brad just sat there i saw anger and saddness on his features i asked him what was wrong and he explained his side of the story " when i was younger i didnt really know what was going on between my mum and dad i thought it was normal , i came back from school one day to find my mum crying on the stairs she had a bag by her , she told me she was leaving but my dad came in at that moment and punched her in the jaw she was bleeding she left the bag and picked me up and sped away in the car , we have moved several times incase he has any idea of where we are , this is the happiest shes been since she met your dad and im just scared what he would do if he found out what he would do to her" he lifted his head up i could see tears beginning to fill his eyes i hugged him , we stayed there for what seemed like forever. until we heard a knock on the door , we expected it to be one of our perants that had seen us , but in walked jamie he was drunk with a bottle of corona in his hand. i went to get him a glass of water when i gave it to him he knocked it on the floor so it smashed i screamed "what the hell" he looked at me in disgust and replied with "really what the hell your saying that to me since when were you and brad in love eh , you made it pretty clear you werent ready when we broke up but then i come here and find you practically giving it out you slut" i had never seen jamie like this i felt broken even worse than before i wanted to run but i didnt know where to this wasnt my house. brad threw him self at jamie and punched his in the cheek. i ran to the only place i knew i was safe the place i had the best memories , to the park , brad must of followed me as i could hear him calling my name i sat down and sobbed on the park bench , brad sat next to me and comferted me. i fell asleep in his arms and i felt safe.

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