18. school....

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brads pov

i had just woken up , to screaming , my head shot up it was mel , she was in trouble , my head went frantic someone might of kidnapped her. i looked around the room to find mel blowing at the bottom of the curtains , which had previsuly been on fire. i laughed at her , one of the candles mustnt of burned out when we went to bed last night. she looked up and smiled at me , she was wearing my shirt but it was un buttoned and i could see everything , i didnt want to look creepy , but i couldnt remove my eyes from her chest , she realised as she covered her chest with her hands and shouted "pig" before walking out of her room and down the stairs.

i layed my head and remebered last night , i didnt know what had gotten into mel , but i defnitly liked it , the only thing i didnt like was the fact i didnt have the ability to guide her or touch her face when she was kissing me , as i was cuffed to the bed. i really hadnt expected it from her , she cleary hadnt either as she hid the hand cuffs underneath a cloth.

i got out of bed and decided to join mel at breakfast . i found her trying to pull the lid of the pickles , i gave her a questioning look and took the jar of her , i opened it pretty easily , i didnt under stand how some one could even like pickles let alone eat them at breakfast. it was sunday so our parents were coming home.

me and mel were cleaning both houses till about 4pm. our parents were due home at 5pm. we chilled for about an hour

mels pov

at around 4pm jamie had texted me

from : james my boii <3

iv screwed up big time , brad is going to kill me...

it had to be about gee , it couldnt be about anyone else. i decided to ignore the text as me and brad had just made up and we were chilling watching spongebob , all i know is jamies text could of been about a food order.

it was 4:45 when brad left. i really didnt want him to leave. but i knew he had missed his mom and probubly wanted to spend some time with her.

at 5pm my dad arrived , i opened the door and hugged him for agies , i really had missed him. he went up stairs to put his bags down. i was making us some tea when my dad walked in i hadnt turned around yet but he said "i take it brad stayed over" i turned on my heel and saw he was holding a pear of boxers , i hid my face in my hands , i swore me and brad had checked my room for any evidence , we even burnt the condom wrapers. i felt my dad hug me and he said "dont worry im just playing there mine" i jumped away from him and said "ewwwwww get them away from me then" my dad smirked before saying "oh so you wouldnt of minded if they were brads" this conversation was just getting more and more akward. i couldnt stand it so i went to my room. and logged onto twitter which i hadnt been on in like years. i had loads of mentions , they were all to do with brad , i know he said he was famous , but i didnt expect this famous , they were all hate about me , they were either calling me ugly or fat. i sat on my bed and cried i didnt want to be hated for being with someone i loved. i put my music on that always made me feel better. i fell asleep listening to "snap out of it" by artic monkeys

i was woken by my alarm at 6:30 in the morning. i grunted and rolled over , i didnt want to go to school. my dad must of woken up as he came into my room shouting "wake up TARZAAAAAN" i laughed remebering that is what he use to do when i was around 5. i hopped out of bed and got changed and did my usual natural make up. i got down stairs for break fast at 7am , brad would be over in 10 minutes.

i was watching the news with a bowl of rice crispies when i heard a knock at my door. it was only 7:05 so i decided not to let him in. his knocking started to become louder and agrier , i evetully let him in at 7:07 he looked at me he was pretty angry , i didnt blame him the rain had really messed up his curly hair. he went staight to my bathroom and started messing with his hair. he shouted "mel do you err have a blow dryer" i squeled and ran up the stairs to meet him i pulled him into my room i sat him on my floor and said "iv been waiting to be able to do this to you for a long time" his eyes widened , i went red realsing how wrong what i had just said had sounded. he smiled and looked at his feet. i turned the hair dryer on , his hair was nearly dry when i heard him yelp he smiled but i could tell he was in pain , i couldnt belive i had just burnt him with the hair dryer. he wandered out of my room and back to the bath room and ruffled his hair with my dads hair gel. i looked at the time and realised it was 7:19 i pulled brad down the stairs and put my jacket on and threw a hat at brad so his hair didnt get wet again. we ran to the bus station , i texted jamie on the way telling him to delay the bus driver

once we arrived we saw jamie tying his shoe out side the bus and saying just a minute i laughed , when he saw me smiled but when he saw brad he gulped. what was that about. i had a feeling i was going to find out as jamie pulled me onto the seat next to him , this left brad looking like a lost puppy , he eventully found a seat next to a girl in year 8. poor brad. i turned to jamie he wispered " why didnt you reply to the text"  " i didnt think it would of been important , why what have you done" he looked at the floor for a while and said " i dont know how to say this , i had err sex with gee , she told me she had done it before , but i found out when she was wincing in pain she wasnt , i know i should of stopped " what jamie had done wasnt that bad after all she had tricked him into thinking she wasnt a virgin , he carried on "but were not together , and we have only been on 3 proper dates , i feel like i took advantige of her , but we were both drunk , i have tried texting her but she wont text back , i dont even know if we were safe"  he bit his lip , i felt really bad for him he carried on " i was wondering if you could maybe text gee of brads phone pretending its him telling her to meet me at the park tonight , i really want to talk to her , i think im falling for her" i nodded my head and hugged jamie.

once i had got off the bus i still had another 25 mintues before form time. i saw brad had left his phone at the side when he went to get a drink , this was my chance , i was tapping gee's name when i heard brad cough , i froze and went pink " its not what it looks like i swear" he rolled his eyes and said " did you find what you were looking for" he looked disapointed , but he had nothing to be disapointed about " brad i swear its not what it looks like , but i cant tell you what im doing" he looked at me and demanded i tell him , i got slightly scared of him at that point , he must of noticed as he apoligised and hugged me. i decided he had a right to know as it was his phone. i started " well jamie and gee have been dating for about 4 weeks now but there not official and well the other night they were both at his place and they got pretty drunk , and well gee lied to him , she said she wasnt a virgin , jamie said he felt terrible when he saw her wince in pain , but he didnt stop , and well erm hes not even sure if they used protection , i think he really likes her , but she wont talk to him" i saw brads face turn to anger , he stormed towards jamie whos classroom was at the other side of the corridoor he walked right up to jamie and tapped him on the shoulder  jamie turned around and with out hesitating brad punched jamie in the lip.

i was scared for brad , i knew jamie got into fights all the time. judging by the look in brads eye he was already regretting it. jamie got up and knocked brad on the floor he kicked him in the balls and really hard , i watched as brad got beat up my jamie and his mates. as soon as they had left i ran to him , his nose was bleeding and he was still clutching his groin. the bell had rung indicating it was time for form to start , brad mouthed "go" , not chance was i leaving him here. i helped him to his feet and half carried half pulled him to the girls bathroom. i sat him on a stool. i went to get some tissue for his nose , i began dabbing at his nose , when i heard him take in a sharp breath i knew he was trying his apsolte best not to cry. i hugged him and wispered " i wont think of you as any less of a man , its okay to cry you know" he leant his head on my shoulder and began to cry. i honestly hated jamie at the moment , i couldnt belive he would do this to some one that was so important to me , and the fact that he laughed after he had done it made it even worse.

i finally pulled away from brads warm embrace a carried on dabbing at his nose and his cheeks which had become sour from crying. he smiled and said "thanks mel , you can barley tell i was in a fight now" he was still clutching his groin and i knew he was still in pain , i smirked and said " we will have to sort out that other inujury later " he removed his hands from his groin and pulled me into a kiss he wispered " why dont we sort it out now" we were getting pretty heated.

we heard an "ahem" from the door it was mrs.white she was looking at the ground , jamie was behind her. they walked towards her office , we followed her , i chuckled and flattened brads hair down.

"im suprised at you mel i really didnt see this coming , as for jamie this is becoming a weekly thing now isnt it , and brad you havent really come up before" we were now all sat in mrs's office getting told off. i couldnt stand to be in the same room as jamie , he made me feel sick. he wont be seeing gee again for a long time , and i am going to make sure of it. brad held my hand through the entire time in the office.

the news hit me like a rock , SUSPENDED FOR INNAPROPRIATE BEHEVIOR ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. i dreaded telling my dad that i had got suspended and handing him the letter that would tell him exactly what i had done to get my self suspended.

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