31. thats akward (part 2)

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mels pov

everything was going fine till i heard brad shout " we are never ever getting back together" i glanced at chloe clearly shocked at his reaction , i looked at daniel he smiled and began singing "weeee are never ever ever getting back together" i had to admit it was funny , but just not at the right time. brad had a short temper. he got up turned around glanced at me and must of seen me giggling as his eyes went from mad to disapointed , he looked at daniel then stormed out of the classroom.

i was suprised to say the least , it cant just of been that , he must of been mad from before or somthing. mrs rodon turned around and watched him leave the class room , she laughed and said

"now you'v met the real brad simpson , so chloe how do you like him?" chloe didnt say anything she just looked at the floor and fiddled with her pencil. i checked the clock 12:10 that meant 5 mintues until the bell , i knew exactly where id find brad , but i knew i couldnt go in the boys bathroom , when other boys were you knowing in it. i had to think of an excuse to leave early

"miss" she turned around "iv just remebered , i have an erm , dentist appointment"

"didnt you have one the other day" she said raising an eyebrow

"yeah but that wasnt the end of it , they have to give me another filling , please miss im going to be late , i just forgot" i said while glancing at the clock

"fine , go" she huffed , i grabbed all my books and shooved them into my bag , and got up and was about to leave the classroom when mrs rodon said

"mel" i turned to face her "next time , dont forget" i nodded and left the classroom. i put my bag in my locker and ran to the boys toilets.

i covered my eyes and walked around the corner , incase he wasnt in there and someone was actully peeing. luckily he was he was sat there looking out of the window with his headphones in. i tapped him on the shouler , he turned around slowly , when he saw me his eyes went to the same disapointed look from before. he pulled out his ear plugs.

"what" he asked

"im sorry"

"for what" no emotion in his voice

"i dont know but i have obviuslt upset you , i can tell" i said while stroking his arm

"you havent upset me iv just been thinking"

"about what" i asked curiously

"this , i mean chloe turns up out of no where , then this guy that looks like a vampire turns up out of no where , and they already know each other , and i swear i know him too" he stated

"what do you mean they already know each other" i asked

"well hes coming to the her party"

"what but she said girls only"

"exactly" he said while looking at my eyes , waiting for my mind to click , with what he had just told me

"well thers no way im going with out you now" i said while kissing him softly

"good , you know ill do anything to protect you right?" he asked

"awww your soo cute come here" i said kissing him more passionatly , we were getting slightly heated when the bell rang , we both jumped apart in shock , then i realised my surroundings , we were in a filthy smelly toilet , how on earth had sex crossed my mind.

"well carry this on later" brad smirked

"aww baby , i wish i could but i have to go to the gym tonight" i pouted

"no you dont your perfect just the way you are" he smiled

"i wish that was true but , the dress i am going to wear on saturday is slightly tight around the butt region" i laughed self conciusly

"thats a good thing" he laughed

"didnt you hear what happend to kim kardashian?" i said sounding like a dork

"no doo tell me , i mean its not like you talk about her all the time" he said sarcasticly

"well , she was about to go to this interview and because her behind was soooooo big she like ripped the skirt , and if that happend to me i wouldnt have hundreds of designers to fix it i would look like a fool the rest of the evening"

"okay then" he said while walking off

"hey where are you going"

"lunch you numty" he laughed "arnt you coming?"

"yeah wait up" just then a boy walked through the door , i froze , i was sooo embaressed , the guy didnt move either , he was in year 8 or 9 , brad must of realised i was taking a while as he came back in and found me unable to move , and dragged me out of the bathroom

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