15. mel , scared

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mels pov

it had been the last day of my period yesturday , but i didnt have the heart to tell brad as he had been really sweet all week and i didnt want it to end. i was still in brads bed in his clothes , it was saturday morning and his mum and my dad had gone away for a week to paris i think. so me and brad had 2 houses to our selves with out any interuptions. me and brad had been together for just under 6 weeks now and he had lived here for about 8 weeks now. i was trying to imagine what my life would of been like if brad hadnt come into it , when i felt him stir , i turned to him he was yawning and opening his eyes , when he saw me he smiled , god why was he so sexy when he had only just woken up , i probubly looked like shit , as i felt like shit. he looked at me before saying "morning beautiful" he went to kiss me but i stopped him and said " i really feel like swimming today" i saw the cheeky glint appear in his eye " you know what mel iv just had a brilliant idea , it does involve us getting wet but we wouldnt be leaving this bed" he was smirking at me i felt my cheeks go red. he got up and layed on top of me , he propped him self us with his hands and knees so he didnt crush me , he began kissing my neck rather forcefully , i moaned which only made him kiss me more. i strated pulling at the end of his shirt indictating that i wanted it off , he didnt hesitate he broke the kiss and pulled his shirt over his head he then looked at me i nodded and he pulled my shirt off. his hands went to my breasts almost instantly. he was still on top of me so i could feel his member becoming hard and pushing against my leg. id only had sex with brad once and that was over a week ago , he enjoyed it but i really hated it , it was painful even if he was being slow , i was rather scared to have sex again , but i dont think getting out of this was an option. brad stopped playing with my breasts and began to kiss my lips again , he looked at my eyes , which were open , brad pulled away quickly and asked me if i was alright , i shook my head and said " im scared it will hurt again"  brad sat up fully and said "i know it hurt last week , but there was no way around it , and i promice you the first time is the worst" i was still scared , brad must of noticed as he exited the room with his head hanging. i felt terrible for brad he had to go a whole week of pretedning to be friends and i had just stopped him again

i had left the house earlier this morning with out saying goodbye to brad , i still felt really bad. i called jamie and he said he would be over in 20 , we were going shopping to get somthing for brad to make it up to him. it was 11:30 when jamie arrived. when we walked out of the house , brad was there he had just finished walking jesse , i smiled at him , he saw me but just looked at the floor. god did sex mean that much to this boy.

we got into town at 12:45. we walked into the shopping centre. we sat down to get somthing to eat out side subway. when jamie arrived back from the que with our sandwidges he asked me what had happend between me and brad , so i told him. he sat there and smiled i shot him a confused look he explained " so basicly you fell out about sex , so why dont you make it up to him , with err sex" i must of looked like a freak , i liked jamies idea but i was scared of what he was going to do next. he waited for me to finish my sandwidge before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from subway. he took me to the escalater. once we arrived at the bottom he pulled me through a couple of tunnels before we reached the shop he was looking for.

ann summers!

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