28. im not jealous

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brads pov

me and mel hadnt talked much since i came back into the house. after she hugged me i ran up stairs to my room and locked the door. i wasnt mad at mel i just needed to be alone.

what had happend earlier wasnt jealously was it? id been fine last time she came , i hated her until i found out she had a boyfriend , i guess i just didnt expect her to get over me as fast as i got over her.

i got up from my bed and looked out of the window , i saw mel in the garden , i smiled , then i looked abit further and i saw chloe and peter , they looked happy.... she looked happy...

a sudden sadness overcame me someone else was making her happy , someone else was thr reason for her smile. i layed down on my bed and just thought about all the times we had together. she was my first love , my first kiss , even my dad liked her. she is beautiful , vibrant , full of life. why was i thinking this i had mel , she was just as beautiful if not more , she made me smile everyday , we lived together , she was my first time , and our parents are together. even if mel and i broke up we would always be big parts of each others lives. it was our 4 month anniversery next week , i should do somthing special.

i got up from my bed and went on my laptop and started searching things. i was hopeless , i couldnt think of anything that me and mel had in common , what did we both like to do? i do think my mental block was partly chloe and peters fault as i could hear them talking through the window.

i heard a soft knock at the door. i sighed knowing it would be mel. i wasnt sure if i was ready to face her yet. i felt so guilty , another girl was getting to me more than she was.

i unlocked the door , she didnt look at me , she just walked straight in and sat on the bed , she tapped the sace next to her. i followed her orders and sat next to her. she finally looked up , you could tell she had been crying as her eyes were all puffy and red.

"brad" she said

"mel?" i said rather confused

"whats going through your mind right now , and i want the truth" she looked stern

i thought for a moment , it wasnt her it was chloe and peter , jealously tore through me when i remebered them from earlier.

"you want the truth" i gulped " not you" she turned to leave "wait you said you wanted the truth , well not you , but chloe , chloe and jamie , i have no idea why but i am jealous , very , but its not like i want her back , its just im coming to terms with the fact that shes over me , i mean werent you upset when jamie got a new girlfriend even after you dumped him and you didnt even want him back" there was a long silence between us , she never removed her eyes from mine

"just tell me you love me" she hesiated

"mel i ,,, i love you" i said confidently , i hadnt expected it to come so easily , beacause i hadnt been so sure a few minutes ago. i didnt love chloe i loved mel , i was only upset because she was getting over me , it wasnt even me that was jealous it was my ego.

she smiled "well i love you too brad"

she got up from the bed and went for the door , i called after her "hey where are you going , we have only just made up"

she laughed "someones got to make dinner it doesnt just appear you know"

"cant we cuddle and get a take away" i pouted

she tried not to smile but it didnt work , i pulled her onto the bed with me

"do you want to watch a film" she suggested

"yeah the CD's are over there" i said while pointing to a shelf which was over flowing with disks

"well well well what do we have here , little mermaid" she laughed

"hey , i actuly happen to like that film" i said while punching her arm lightly

"goof because were watching it" she said placing the DVD into the TV. she layed back down next to me , and we watched the film.

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