37. friend in need

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mels pov

i woke feeling cold , i rolled over in the double bed , brad wasnt there , i looked up and searched the room , there wasnt anyone there. i began looking for a note , there wasnt one , where the hell was brad.

i shouted "brad" as loud as i could , i heard a soft chuckle "this isnt funny" i pouted "yes it is" i heard him say , i tried to follow where his voice was coming from , "brad" i said again , hoping for a response so i could track him down "yeah" he said , right that meant he was either behind the door or in the bathroom , i hopped up off the bed and tip-toed towards the door , i checked behind it , no one there , that meant he was in the bathroom , i sighed when i realised the door was locked , that meant i couldnt scare him , but there was a light switch , which happend to be on , i flipped the switch , and i heard a quiet shriek from brad.

"scared of the dark are we " i laughed , "no" he mumbled , "what are you even doing in the bathroom?" i asked , "erm um im erm" he stammered , "oh , err never mind forget it" i said , i might of jumped to conclusions , i heard him laugh a little " do you know when your coming out cos i kind of need to get ready" i asked "you can join me if you like" he said , "err um no i think ill wait for you to come out" i laughed "aww" he said "well its payback for hiding from me" i said while walking back towards the bed , another five minutes sleep wouldnt hurt. i burried my head into the soft pillow and fell back to sleep.

i woke up with a thud , i banged my head on the floor. "omg are you okay , im soo sorry" brad said worriedly "why are you sorry , i fell out of bed" i grumbled "well you could say you fell out of bed" he said scratching his neck nervously "what do you mean" i questioned , he looked at the floor and said "i kind of tried to wake you up , but it didnt work so then i tried somthing else , and you kind of fell out of the bed" his eyes now returning to mine "what were you doing" i said rather scared "oh no nothing like that , i was jumping on the bed" he said franticly , "oh" i laughed "so your not mad" he said " im only mad that you let me sleep till this late , we have to be out of here in like 20 minutes" i said jumping up and running to the bathroom.

i got into the shower , i washed my hair with the cheap hotel shampoo , great. i hopped out and found my clothes from yesturday , and pulled them over me . i tried to dry my hair as best i could with the towel , i didnt have time to do my make-up , i could only put lip balm and mascara on. i made sure the bathroom looked okay before i left it.

i found brad sat on the bed , with a now packed bag in his hand " ready to go" he smiled "yeah i think so " i said walking towards the door. we walked down to the reception and brad checked us out. we got into his car , and headed home.

when we drove into our town , i saw jamie sat outside the doctors with his head in his hand , i smirked abit knowing he was hurting , i then thought about it more , jamie never cries , this is serious , i shouldnt be feeling bad for him , he was horrible to me , he called me a bitch , but  i have known him for as long as i remeber , and i have to admit , i do kind of miss him. i told brad to stop the car , which he did "where are you going" he asked "it doesnt matter , ill meet you at home , yeah " i said while kissing his cheek "err yeah" he said sounding a little dazed , i got up and walked down the street , i saw jamie still in the same position as before , i walked over to the bench slowly , i sat down next to him , he lifted his head up slowly , when he saw me , he just began to sob more "if your here to rub it in my face , go ahead"  he cried "i would never to that , im not like some people" i said , he lifted his head up and i gave him a weak smile , "care to tell me whats soo wrong" i asked " i dont think you want to know" he replied "iv known you for so long , im pretty sure i can handle it" i said "not somthing like this" he said "try me" .

he lifted his head up properly this time and turned to face me , "im going to be a dad" he said his eyes never leaving mine , i sat there shocked , jamie a dad , i couldnt imagine it , i could imagine him with a dog , but with a child , what the hell is going on there. "say somthing" he wispered , "how is that even possible , your not stupid , you always use pretection dont you" i asked , "yeah but , somtimes i forget , when im drunk" he said full of guilt , "well who is she" i questioned "well thats just it" he said "what do you mean , who is it jamie" i said paniking "its gee" he said looking at the ground "gee as in brads gee" i said nervously , he didnt reply he just nodded his head , i shook my head , "jamie" i said "yeah" he said his tears drying up a little "i miss you" i wispered , he didnt say anything he just envoloped me into a hug "i really need you right now" he sobbed "me too" i said holding him tighter

we eventully parted "so hows gee" i asked , "shes soo scared , everyone in her family knows exept brad i think , oh hes going to try and kill me " he said , "yeah wel we all know how that ended up last time " i laughed " did you really have sex in the toilets" he said trying to change the subject "err no we erm just kisses , so how far along is gee?" i said refering to his crisis again "errm about a month" he stammered , "when did you find out" "just now" he said "wait so shes here " i asked "yeah" "are you going to keep the baby" i asked "yeah , i dont want to get rid of it , i dont belive in that kind of stuff " he said "good so are you going to step up , and be there for this baby" i asked "yeah i dont want it to grow up with out a dad , i know how that feels , its not right"

just then gee walked out of the doctors , she looked happy "there you are jamie , oh hey mel , um so do you know" she said anxiously "yeah i erm do "  she looked abit guilty "oh okay , i was wondering if you could maybe tell brad , becuase if i do im pretty sure he would scare me that much that i would loose the baby" i nodded , and stood up "im going to leave you guys to it , jamie call me yeah " i said while waving and walking off.

it took me around 20 mintues to walk home , our town was pretty big , once i got home the door was open , i saw brad sat on the couch with tea in his hand , "so your friends with jamie again " he said with a hint of jealousy in his voice "oh you saw us , he needs me at the moment" he furrowed his eyebrows "why does he need you more then he needed you yesturday?" i sat down at the table and braced my self for what was about to happen , i knew he could be over protective especially with family , "about that , i need to tell you somthing......."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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