19. i think you guys should take a break....... its for the be

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mels pov

it was 11pm , when we finally got out of mrs . whites office. she had phoned my dad and had told him i had got suspended , when he asked why , she said she would prefer i tell him , and that it was written down in the envelope , if i decided not to tell him.

brad was still holding my hand when we walked out of school , when we walked past jamie i felt his hand tense up. i pulled him into a hug , and half shouted so jamie would hear "so how long have gee and jack been an item" i saw jamies face drop , at the moment i really didnt care.

me and brad decided to get something to eat before we went home , as our parents would probubly lock us in our rooms for the next 3 days.

after we had eaten the chips we wandered to our houses. brad went his way i went mine.

once i got inside my house , i saw my dad and brads mum , i was about to get him when we heard a knock on the door , brad must of realised.

i sat down at the table next to brad , he rested his hand on my thigh. my dad breathed in before saying " what exactly did the both of you get suspended for , i mean i can guess , but i dont want to jump to conclusions"

i didnt feel like talking , so brad did "well i got suspended for 6 days and mel only got 3"

i hadnt realised brads suspension was longer than mine , that meant i was going to have to spend 3 days with out him at school

brads mum , joe , spoke next " why did you and mel both get three days then"

brad squeezed my leg " they kind of caught us in the  girls bathroom" i didnt want to look at there faces. they were probubly disgusted

"so brad , you and my daughter are... you know , i thought we talked about this" my dad sounded angry , it wasnt his choice what me and brad got upto.

"i know what you said sir , but you are a boy too , you know what its like" i was glad brad was sticking up for himself for once

"but shes only 16 and your nearly 17 , your not kids anymore you should take responsibility for you actions , did you even use protection" my dads voice was getting more relaxed now.

"of course we did dad , you said yourself were not kids anymore , were not stupid you know" i half shouted that at my dad , he looked at the floor and said " me and joe need to talk"

they left the room , leaving only me and brad

after about 5 minutes they returned , me and brad had sat in silence the entire 5 minutes , we heard a few shouts , but we couldnt understand any of it

my dad sat back down at the table , followed by joe. he took hold of my hands and said " i think you and brad , you should take a break , its for the best"

i couldnt belive what i was hearing , how dare he judge me , he had told me all the stories of him and my mother when they were in school

i was about to shout at him , when brad said " you know what i think your right , me and mel have only been getting each other in trouble"

brad hadnt removed his hand from my thigh , what ever game he was playing , i defnitly wasnt , i pushed brad off me and ran to my room crying , i cant belive brad would just end it like that

brads pov

mels dad came out of the living room with my mum and sat back down at the table. mels dad put his hand over mels and said "i think you and brad , you should take a break , its for the best"

wtf , it took everything in my not to shout at him. how dare he try break us up . i loved mel. i wouldnt ever do anything to hurt her , well not on purpose.

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