23. your WHAT!!!

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just so you dont get confused its now sunday so 3 days since the last chapter

brads pov

me and mel were currently cuddeling on the couch in her room we had just finished watching lassie , i had to blink away the tears a few times , but mel full on cried at some parts of the film.

she snuggled her self abit more into my chest , i kissed her head and smiled. she looked up at me and said " i dont want to sneek about anymore , i want to be with you when ever i want to be with you not just when my dad isnt home or says its alright" i nodded knowing what she was saying was right.

i said "we will tell them when we think there ready to know" she smiled and burried her head in my chest again.

we heard the door unlock , shoot it was 5pm already , mels dad was home. i jumped off the bed and paniced. mel pointed under her bed , i didnt have much choice as we already heard footsteps on the stairs. i crawled under her bed , it was very cramped. i then made sure i was hidden from her dads view by pulling her duvet over the side.

i heard his feet patter across the floor , and then the bed shook a little and it had become a little bit more cramped. i was trying my hardest to listen but they just sounded like mumbles. i moved the duvet slighhtly so i could hear better.

"im happy for you dad just please tell brad before you do" "i dont know if i should , his mother told me all about his past relationship with his dad , and i dont want to push in"

what did they mean , push in , tell me what , why would my mum tell him about my dad.

my curiosity got the better of me i moved so my head was now poking out of the bed. "tell me what?"

mels dad was shocked he jumped off the bed and shouted. mel looked worried , but i could also see she was trying to conseal a smirk.


i shuffled abit more so now i was completly out from under the bed "i asked first , tell me what?" i was demanding an answer , i was worried , what was so serious , was it about my mum , what had my dad done.

mels dad came and sat down on the bed again. " we were planning on telling you later over dinner" he was really pushing my buttons , i didnt like suprises unless they were with mel.

"no tell me now , you told mel now tell me" before mels dad got a chance to answer my question i heard another voice , my mothers voice

"david , i have just been home and brads not there , you dont think he knows already do you" how did she get in , and know what already.

"funnly enough hes already here , under mels bed! and now he doesnt know yet" david (mels dad) laughed at his own comment , i didnt find it funny , i was becoming adjitated. i heard my mum laugh. she then shouted " right well lets get this over with now"

" i thought we were going to wait till tea" "its already finshed and going cold , at my house" she replied.

mel and her dad got up and made there was out of her room and down the stairs , i followed. my mum greeted me with a hug.

we walked to my house , when we got inside , i knew the smell it was my favourite , she was trying to butter me up for somthing.

we all sat down at the table in a tense silence. i kept exchanging glances with mel , she smiled at me for reassurance. mel had atleast thought the news was good , so maybe it wasnt a such a bad thing.

we began to eat , but my mum didnt she seemed to be trying to say somthing , but it wasnt working so i said somthing instead " just spit it out would ya mum" she smiled and said " fine"

"well you know me and david have been dating for nearly 5 months now , and i love him very much , and were beginning to get abit more seroius and we , were...."

i suddenly became un easy , they can not get married , i cant think of mel as only a sister.

" were going to be moving in together"

YOUR WHAT , i was completly baffled , why , they were moving too fast.

"im not done yet , we dont want any akward trouble between you two though , we have 2 houses as you know , and we were wondering if you two would be okay living in one of the houses and me and david in the other house"

i wanted to smile , but somthing told me i shouldnt look too pleased , i felt a sharp kick on my leg , i looked up and saw mel mouthing "sorry , it wasnt meant to be that hard" i smiled to show her i was okay , but i was actuly in a lot of pain.

mel started " well only on one conditon , me and brad can see each other again"

david and my mum looked at each other before saying " if were happy i dont see why you shouldnt be , but at the first , or slight bit of trouble you get into at school , your over and i mean over this time , and dont try pretend you did break up when we told you too , because its pretty obvois you hadnt"

i was smiling from ear to ear and mel was too


sorry its abit soppy , but i really couldnt think of anything for this chapter , you can think of it as more of a filler chapter ;P

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