14. anything for you

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brads pov

i woke up to the sound of stones being thrown at my window. i looked around i saw mel fast asleep , she looked adorable. i got up from the bed and looked out of my window , it was my other nieghborgh , he was shouting somthing but i couldnt tell what it was so i just nodded and smiled , i saw my mum walk into the house , but she was stopped at the door by our neighborgh he seemed to be shouting the same thing at her , so i decided to go back to bed , mel was awake and staring at me , i realised i was topless , i smirked slightly ,  but then i remebered i couldnt try anything since she was on her peroid. i climbed into bed next to her i rested my head on her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist , i leant close to her ear and wispered " the things i would of done to you last night" i saw her blush like mad and trying to hide under the duvets

melanies pov

brad leant close to my ear i could feel his breath on my neck , he wispered "the things i would of done to you last night" i felt my self blush instantly i tried to hide under she sheets. he chuckled at my reaction , so i tried to gain my confidence back i turned to face him only to find him staring at me , i stated "ill just have to make it up to you next week then wont i " his eyes widened and  i smirked , he was the one blushing now. i looked over at the clock and wispered "shit" , i jumped out of brads bed , he pulled me back by my arm he looked confused so i explained " i promiced we would meet jamie today at the park at 11am and its 10:45 now so we need to go go go"  i felt cold with out brad but i had to suck it up. i ran past his mum but i gave her a polite smile , i grabbed my coat and walked to my house , i got a couple of strange looks as i was still in my pyjamas. i got inside and raced to my room , i got changed into my tie-dye top , blue jeans and my vans hightops. i did my basic make up routine , and straightened my hair. i plodded down stairs and into the kitchen to find my dad , he was smiling at me "so youv been spending alot of time at brads latley are you getting pretty seroius" i felt my self cringe at the akwardness of the question , i smiled back at him before saying "i could say the same about you , joes been spending alot of time here lately , are you getting pretty serois too" i said the last bit sarcasticly and i watched the smug smile disapear from his face , i had just beaten him at his own game. i was half way through my toast when i heard a knock at the door , it was brad he was wearing his black skinny jeans and a tie-dye top , not akward at all he smiled and said " snap" i laughed lightly and said i needed to change , he pouted slightly and said "only if i can come with" "fine but no peeking" i saw his cheeks go pink. he followed me upstairs , and into my bedroom  he sat onto my bed , i chose another top , it was my artic monkeys jumper , i turned to brad who had his hands over his eyes so i quickly got changed , when i was pulling the top over my head again , i looked over at brad who quickly pulled his hands upto his face again , i knew he was going to peek but ididnt really mind , he was my boyfriend. i looked at the time again it was 11:05 so i grabbed brads hand and pulled him out of my room and towards the stairs , he must of been shocked and not ready to walk because as soon as we got on the landing he fell over , onto me , brad wasnt heavy but he wasnt light either , he used his arms to hover his wieght above me , i was about to kiss him before my dad said "oi not in my house" i blushed and got up , brad dusted him self off.

once we set off to see jamie it was 11:10 because my dad had given brad another secret chat , which again resulted in brad coming out white as a sheet and nervous. we reached the park at about 11:15 and saw jamie sitting on the swings he was holding hands with a girl , as we got closer we realised that girl was gee , brad just glared at him and cleared his throat "got anything to tell us" i heard anger in his voice. what the hell was his problem he should be happy had finally gotten over me. gee smiled and said "yeah me and jamie are dating , but you cant beat him up yet brad because were not official" jamie sniggered and said "id like to see him try" he did have a point jamie was 6,4 and brad was well 5,7. brad soon realised the reality of that happening , and said " so what are we going to do today" jamie looked clue less but gee had an idea " i think we should go to that new wave centre that opened the other week in dorset , it would be so much fun" i tensed up i couldnt go swimming , brad must of realised my nervousness as he pulled me to one side and said " mel are you okay , have i done somthing" i smiled at him and said " brad i cant really go swimming when im on my err yeah" brad shifted uncomfterbly . i felt really embaressed. i turned around to walk back to the group. gee was planning with jamie , transport for getting to the pool. i was not looking forward to telling them i couldnt go , as they would begin questioning me. brad soon followed. jamie spoke up " so what time to you want to meet to get to the pool" i was about to speak but brad cut me off "actuly i cant go swimming , because i hit my arm last week on a err wall and it got all infected and the doctors said no err swimming or anything active for at least 2 weeks or until it heals"  jamie and gee both nodded and began to wonder off. i turned to brad and hugged him , he pulled away and said " so what are we going to do today" i kissed him , he smiled into the kiss and said " as much as id love and i mean love to do that , we both know we cant" i nodded my head and said "how did i end up with such a sweet and caring boyfriend , i dont think iv ever been happier" i cringed at how cheesy i was probubly sounding , he kissed me again before saying " i would do anything for you , this is nothing compared to what i would do for you , to spare your feelings" he really was the sweetest thing in the world i kisssed him again only for his head to be pulled away from me it was jamie he was dragging brad with him and to gee , i laughed lightly and followed them.

we spent the day doing stuff we shouldnt of been , brad made new enimies and by enimies i mean about 4 pensioners he had annoyed because he was being loud in the library. gee and jamie were being all cute and i was being in pain , i couldnt wait for this to be over , i sighed knowing it was probubly going to be another 4 days

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