Tears begin to string down my face.

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Chapter Thirty

Maddy's POV

I'm sitting at Coop's place with Jacob in my hands when Cooper comes through the door with a stern look at his place.

"Hey Bub, what's up?"

"I just had a very interesting conversation with Damian, seems to be pretty keen on knowing what you want. What is it that you want Maddy because for the past month a bit you haven't been yourself."

Shit he seems mad.

"Damian has no idea what he's talking about and I'd appreciate if you didn't talk with him, he's nothing but trouble."

"See that's just it Maddy, you've been distant with me lately and I think it's because deep down you want him, you want to be with him."

"If I wanted to be with why would I be here helping you out with Jake?"

"I think you're scared. I think you're scared of facing him, I think you're scared because deep down inside you want him and I'm not enough for you."

"Cooper I want to be with you."

"No Maddy I think you think you want to be with me because it'll be easier for you but you want the feeling that Damian gives you when you're with him. I'm sorry but I can't give you that Maddy."

"So what you're breaking up with me? What about Jake?"

"Jake and I will be fine, it's always been just me and him. But I think it's time that you stop lying to yourself. It's killing me to let you go but it's for the best. I don't want you being miserable just because you think you're doing right by me and Jake. It isn't fair on any of us."

Tears begin to string down my face. Not because I'm upset about Coop breaking it off with me but because I'm afraid of what could happen if I let Damian in.

"I'm so sorry Cooper. I really am, I'm going to miss you and Jake."

"You're free to come visit Jake anytime you want but the heart wants what it wants. I stepped in at the wrong time knowing that you would always run back to Damian if he was in trouble. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy."

I hand Jake over to Cooper and make my way out of his house.


I can't believe that Cooper and I are finally over. I know it's bad to say because of how much I was into him but I feel as if a whole weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

While laying on my bed my phone begins to vibrate.


"Hey Maddy, its Damian."

"What is it Damian?" Even though Cooper and I broke up, I don't want to rush into things with Damian too quick. I just want time to myself at this point so I can figure out what I want and where I want to be.

"My Nana's funeral is on Saturday and I appreciate if you were there."

My heart goes out to him and I can't help but feel saddened by his request.

"Yeah sure Damian, text me the time and place and I'll be there."

"Thanks Maddy, having you there is going to make it a whole lot easier."

"No worries, see you around."



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