Ignore her Maddy, just ignore her.

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Maddy's POV

It's been a couple of months since I've spoken to Damian, I haven't seen him much around either. I could say I'm worried about him but I don't really care about him that much. Oh what am I saying? I miss him terribly, I worry about him constantly and I need him to be here.

Coops and I are a happy couple and Jake is doing great. I can't talk to Cooper about Damian because he hates him with a passion. I'm trying to stayed focus on looking after Jake and helping Cooper out whenever he needs it but every time I stop for a minute and breathe, Damian always pops into my head.

I couldn't care less about my parents or my brother. They're arguing as usual, but I haven't seen them. I just hear them at night when Cooper and I are laying in bed with Jake.

I've been at school for about a week. Ally sneers and makes comments whenever she can. She's been hanging out with Lucy, the school slut and to top it off they're both in all my classes and Summer and I aren't in any together.

I'm sitting biology listening to Mr Cartwright ramble on about some homework that's needs to be completed by tomorrow. Well guess who's not completing that? Me that's who, I just can't seem to keep up. I'm struggling big time and I'm worried about Damian and busy helping Coops out.

The bell goes for the end of class and I walk out, I hear Ally close behind. She does this everyday, it's like she wants to talk but she's too scared to.

"Hey slut, how's living the life of a mother?" She says. Well guess I was wrong. She just wants to call me a slut and bag me about my home life.

Ignore her Maddy, just ignore her.

"Bitch, she's talking to you." That's Lucy. Ugh I could make a list of things that piss me off about Lucy.

I walk ahead but they catch up. I'm loading my books into my bag when the door gets slammed shut. "Do you think you just ignore us?" That's Lucy again, god why can't she just leave me alone? 

"Oui Lucy just leave her alone, go home it's Friday." This comes from Tyler, one of Damian's mates. Why would he be sticking up for me? Last time I heard they were siding with Ally.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could see me tonight or tomorrow if you're not busy?" Ally's speaking to Matt behind Tyler's and Lucy's heated discussion.

Why would Ally need to ask Matt to call her, they're like dating, aren't they?

"Save it Als, seriously I told you not to talk to me until you apologised. Obviously you're too pigheaded with school slut Lucy to even care about me."

Or maybe they're not dating, I continue to squish my books into my bag while the arguments around me pick up.

"But Matty I told you what happened, why don't you believe me?"

"Als I don't believe you because it happened more than once, you can't just explain what happened and do it all over again and expect me to hold my arms open to you again, I'm sorry but we're over."

Oh my god, they're over? LOL she's deserved it, little slut.

Ally grabs Lucy by the arm and they both walk out of the locker rooms.

I grab my bag and I start to walk.

A hand grabs my arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Spoken to Damian?" Tyler asks.

"No why would I?"

"Oh you know because of what happened?"

"Uh what happened?" What the hell are they talking about? What happened? I want to know what happened.

"You don't know?"

"If I knew would I be asking you?!" Geez these guys are bloody idiots.

"Alright no need to get angry Maddy, meet us by my truck in ten minutes?"

"Uh no."

"Common you need to know, it's for your own sake. We've gotta go find Damian's teachers and get his work so he doesn't fall behind. See you in ten."

I head towards the carpark where Summers waiting.

"Hey where you been? Cooper's going to be here any minutes."

"Yeah about that, I'm kinda behind in a couple of my classes so I'm going to stay behind and work in the library. Can you let Coops know that I'll just walk home."

"Yeah all good. See you later."

"Later." I wave and walk around to the library. I wait until Coops and Summer have gone before I head back and wait at Tyler's truck.

30 minutes go by and they're still not here. I'm going to give up and start walking now.

"Aye I didn't know it was going to take that long geeez."

"Well Caleb you better fucking hope she's still waiting there because he wants to see her. Can't have him getting angry again." That was Tyler.

I stand there with my arms cross when they come around the corner. "You better tell me what's going on right now."

They all stand there stunned. "Alright, we'll drive and talk. Hope in the passenger seat."



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