Don't worry they're always like that.

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Chapter Twenty-Two
Maddy's POV

I walk down the back veranda to meet Summer engaging in a conversation with a bunch of people.

I awkwardly stand beside Summer waiting for her to notice.

"So Maddy..." I turn to see Corey by my side.

"Hey Corey, what's up?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

I look over to Summer, she hasn't acknowledged my presents so I turn and walk with Corey.

"I don't mean to pry because it's clearly none of my business..." He sounds foreboding.

"What it it Corey? Just spit it out."

"Okay it's just that I walked in and saw you on the bench with Coop pressed up against you."

I sneer a little. "What's wrong with that?"

"I just think that you shouldn't put yourself out there for Cooper, he's got major issues."

"Corey, I don't know what you saw but it's none of your business."

"It is when Cooper's my brother."

"Great brother you are, major issues? Help him sort them out then."

I walk away from Corey and find Summer. I haven't had a chance to meet her family individually but each time I walk past them they have a warm smile on there face.

"What'd Corey want?" Summer asks when I join her in the pool.

"Nothing, just a friendly conversation."

"Didn't look to friendly, Corey was looking at you weird."

"Hm I didn't notice." I shrug my shoulders.

We relax in the pool together before Summer's Dad calls for dinner, I haven't formally met him.

Summer and I head out the pool and head into her house to change.

"You must be Maddy." He says cheerfully as Summer hands me a plate. "I've heard wonderful things about you and it's great Summer has a friend right next door." He smiles.

"The is my Dad Jonathan." Summer says.

"But you can me John." John joins in.

"It's lovely to meet you." I smile.

John places different types of meats on my plate. I follow Summer to salad table.

"Your Dad seems really nice."

"Aha yeah he's alright." Summer brushes off.

We sit down at the table and of course I'm right across from Corey and Cooper.

Cooper's got a twitch in his eye while starring at me. I try not to make eye contact with him but he's watching me like a hawk.

"Cooper, pass the sauce?" Summer ask.

"Cooper?" Summer asks again.

"Cooper for fuck sakes pass your sister the sauce and stop looking at the eye candy!" Corey smashes down on the table.

"What?" Cooper looks stunned.

I slide back in my chair. His whole family's gone quiet. Shit. Eye candy, did Corey mean me? Well obviously Maddy I'm the only non family related female here.

"Summer wants the sauce you idiot." Corey tries to explain.

"Alright chill ya spaz no need to freak out."

"You zoned out looking a Maddy, leave her the fuck alone." He fights back.

"That enough boys." Summer's Mum chirps in. "Now I don't want to hear another peep out of you two and leave Maddie alone she's a guest." She says rubbing her belly.

Corey and Cooper sink into their chairs and the family conversation starts up again.


After most of Summer's family leaves and her parents go to bed we all sit down to watch a movie. It's must be hard to find one they all like considering the different age groups.

Amy, Alicia, Alice and Lawson are all sitting on beanbags near the front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn, lollies and chocolates in front of them.

Then it's Summer, Frankie, Claudette, and myself on the couch. I'm holding Jacob and watching as Cooper and Corey argue about what movie where going to watch.

"Maddy's the guest, let her chose." Corey turns to me.

"Alright fine. Maddy which one is it '10 Things I Hate About You' or 'A Streetcar Named Desire'?" Cooper spits out.

"Um." Summer's siblings all turn to look at me. '10 Things I Hate About You' sounds good."

Cooper sneers "Well then that's what we watch."

Cooper shoves the DVD at Corey and Corey shuffles to put the disk in.

"Don't worry they're always like that." Claudette turns to say to me.

"Shut up idiot." Cooper says as he sits down next to me. "Can I have Jake please?"

I pass Jake over to Cooper and watch as his eyes light up.

Jake gets a smile across he's face and the noise he makes are incredibly cute.

"Alright let's watch this." Corey says sitting on the empty beanbag.

Half way through the movie I look over to see Jake asleep in Cooper's arms.



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