Is Jacob yours?

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Chapter Twenty-Three
Maddy's POV

I wake up from sudden movements. I look up to see Cooper trying to move gently from under me with Jake in his arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I've just got to get Jacob his 3am bottle." He whispers

I sit up. "Nah it's fine." I say wiping my eyes.

Cooper carries Jake to the kitchen and I follow behind them.

"Where's everyone, they were all watching the movie before."

Cooper chuckles. "Love, that was about four hours ago."

"Oh." I say surprised.

"You passed out on me and I had Jake and I didn't want to wake neither of you."

"I'm sorry, you must have been extremely uncomfortable."

"Oh no, don't worry about it Jake and I, we always pass out on the couch."

I look over at Cooper who's struggling to get Jake's bottle and mixture out of the top cupboard.

"Here let me help you." I say offering a hand.

Cooper passes Jake to me. "Do you do this every night?" I ask curiously.

"Hm yeah sometimes, Mum helps out a lot but I usually look after Jake."

"Why do you do all the looking after? Didn't your parents adopt him?"

"No?" He looks confused.

"But he's your nephew, your parents adopted him after..." I trail off.

"Oh yeah, we adopted him." Cooper goes quiet and faces the microwave as the bottle warms up.

I look down at Jacob who's squirming in my arms then he let's out a massive cry.

"What'd you do?" Coopers suddenly right by my side.

"Nothing, he was just..." Cooper takes Jacob out of my arms and nurses him in his.

"Hey, baby boy it's okay." Cooper slowly rocks Jacob back and fourth.


"Hmm?" He looks up.

"The microwave." I say pointing over to the corner of the kitchen.

"Can you get it for me? Meet me in my bedroom, Jake's a little unsettled." He asks.

"Sure." I walk over to the microwave. I'm incredibly confused about this situation.

I climb the stairs. Walking past all the rooms with signs on the front of who they belong too. I wonder where Jacob's room is?

I finally get to a door that has pale black letters on the front spelling out Cooper.

I slowly open the door and walk in. Cooper's sitting on his bed with Jacob in his lap. I walk over to the side and place the bottle on his bedside table.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." I say heading back to the door.

"Stay in here for a little bit? Jacob takes forever to get settled."

"I was going to go to Summer's room to get changed into something more comfortable and go back to sleep..."

"You can borrow one of my shirts there's no point in waking Summer up and keep me company. Please?" He almost begs.

"Alright." I say giving in on the conversation.

"Okay." He points to his closet. "If you walk in there and to your right there should be a whole lot of shirts hanging, just grab one of them and then if you keep walking down that way you'll come to a bath room you can get changed in there."

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