I've always wanted a nose ring.

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*Chapter two*

Maddy's POV

"All school assembly, please all assemble into your correct forms out side the gym." The PA system blared.

"Wonder what they want today?" I said looking over at Ally who was to busy starring at the guys across from us.


"Ally. Hello?"

"Y-yeah what?"

"Omg, my best-friend is hopeless." I stomped out of the locker rooms.

"Maddy? Maddy? Come back here."

She ran up from behind me jumping on my back.

"Common horsy we're going to be late for the assembly."

Ally slid off my back, now walking besides me.

We arrived outside the gym taking our separate ways. I'm in 11D and Ally's in 11G. I hated that we weren't together all the time, especially during classes.


"Once everyone is silent I will address everyone as why we are in here."

The whole gym fell silent.

I love how our principle Ms Swanson has such a control over everyone.

"Recent event have occurred that will have an affect on each and everyone one of you."

I looked across the room filled with students, I can't believe they've managed to squeeze about a thousand people into one small room.

"Rosebud High has recently burnt down."

The Rosebud students were so ugh words can't even explain them. They're disgusting, rude, aggressive, disgracefully, worthless people.

Now I usually don't judge people but when it come to the Rosebud students nothing ever good came out of them.

"Considering they have no where else to go school." Ms Swanson continued "Years ten to twelve will be attending here and seven to nine will be attending Downfall high."

The whole gym moaned and groaned then broke out into small talk.

Ms Swanson yelled. "As I said before it will have an affect on each and every single one of you but you're just going to get used to it."

"But Ms-" A student yelled out.

"No buts, we will welcome them and treat them normally."

I quickly shot up my hand.

"Yes Miss Harrington"

Every pair of eyes landed on me.

"When will they start attending here?"

"The day after tomorrow, today and tomorrow we'll be working out class arrangements which means all teachers will be busy at work figuring out the best way to add in an extra five hundred students, so no school tomorrow and as soon as this assembly is finished you are all free to leave."

The whole gym broke out into cheer, People around me high fived. I looked around for Ally, when we were both staring at each other a big grin whipped across my face.

"Student. You are all free to leave in an orderly fashion."


"Mad-dy, can we please go shopping?"

I mentally groaned


I looked over at my one of a kind best-friend who was trying to conquer puppy dog eyes.

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