New Neighbours.

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Chapter Fourteen

Maddy's POV

School ended three weeks ago and since then I haven't been in contact with Ally or Damian, I like it that way. It's simple and easy.

Mum and Dad have been fighting heaps and Josh is never around.

We've had two new people move in over the last few weeks. One was Damian, his Mum and his new step Dad Nathan. The other was a family of six or something like that, I haven't officially met them yet but they play out the front a lot.

Three days ago we'd been invited to the house warming of Nathan and Trisha's it was tonight and there was no way I'd be going.

My door swings open. "Why aren't you dress yet we're leaving in fifteen."

"Uh I already told you Mum I'm not going."

"Bullshit you ain't going now get your shit together and get ready I'm not facing this thing alone with your dad."

She slammed my door shut again. Well I guess that was my last warning. I throw my phone to the side of me and walk to my closest.

I pull on mini short and a lose half top. Lately the weather had been extremely warm and I wasn't going to take a chance with the weather tonight.

"Aye little bitch you ready yet?" My Dad calls from outside my door.

My parent rarely ever talk to me and when they do they speak to me like shit. Happy family.

I dawdle behind Mum and Dad as we walk. When we're at home they act like they're about to start world war three but when we're out they seem like the happiest couple. Pfft what a load of lies.

Mum takes a step up to the door and rings the bell. Moments later Trisha walks out in a long red gown. "Wow, you look beautiful." Mum pulls Trisha into a tight hug and Trisha laughs.

"Thank you, thank you. Come in, come in."

We walk into to a massive entrance that's three sizes bigger than ours, we're lead to a kitchen where there is tables and tables full of formal mains, entrées and desserts.

I look around to see hundreds of people and to think Damian and his mum spent their lives living in the not so rich town. They must be loving all this money from Nathan.

I walk out to the back deck, the pool was clogged with in bikinis and trunks.

I hadn't seen Damian or anyone else I had known so that was a bonus. "Hey babe." Shit spoke to soon.

I spin to face three guys all wearing identical jeans and white tees. "Hey boys." I speak.

"We were just going to get in the pool wanna join?"

"I'd love to but I seem to forgot my swim wear. Whoops." I say with a smirk.

"You could always come back to my place and have a private party there?"

Were these guys seriously trying to hit on me?

"Thing is, my friends waiting for me. She's just in the lounge. I'll see you round." I wave.

"That you will." He wink at me and I basically bolted into the crowd of people.

Feeling a little creeped out. I try to find a place to hide.

I took a deep breath before exploring the rest of house. I walk up three flights of steps before I get to one room that has a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign on it.

I enter anyway.

"Hello?" I call out.

This must be Damian's room. I recognise most of his stuff from his old place, plus a whole load of new things. So much for calling me a 'rich bitch.'

"Can I help you?" I feel a tingle of breath on my neck.

I press up against the door. "No actually, I was just leaving." I still hadn't forgiven him.

"Bull, stay here for a while."

I didn't really want to go back down stairs and I really didn't want to be here with him. Maybe I could sneak out and go back home?

"No. I can't. I want to go home." I say crossing my arms.


"I hate it here. I hate you. I hate pervs. I hate you. I could go on but I think you get the point."

"Let me get dressed and I'll walk you back to your place."

Dressed? Shit. I look down to realise he's wearing nothing but a towel. His amazingly tanned body and muscles, all those muscles. No. Can't do this right now.

"What part of I hate you, don't you get? The I? The hate? Or the you?"

"Just because you hate me doesn't mean I don't care about you getting home safely."

"I'll be fine on my own. Just let me go before it gets too dark."

"If you really want too." He sighs but steps out of the way.

I climb back down the stairs before bumping into someone. "Shit. I'm so sorry."

"Hey girl, it's alright. Nothing to worry about." She says in an American accent. "I'm Summer, nice to meet you?" She says with a friendly smile.

"I'm Maddy."

"Are you from around here?"

"Yeah I just live a couple of houses down. I was actually making my way back there now."

"Oh I'd be happy to walk you. I'm getting head spins from all this heat and music."

She places her drink on the nearest table and follows behind me.



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