I can hardly breath.

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Chapter Thirty-One

Maddy's POV

Sitting in a church full of people, watching Damian deal with this all on his own hurts.

Knowing that I could have him if it wasn't for all these barriers hurt. I could breath easy around Damian, it wasn't a constant battle with him. Life was easy.

Today we say goodbye to his beloved Nana. Nana Betty had an amazing send off, it was really sweet and lovely.

I haven't spoken to him since that day in the cabin, it's been a bit over two weeks since then, but fuck I want to. There's so much I want to say, so much he needs to hear.

The ceremony wraps up pretty quick, I'm in tears for Damian, I know how it feels losing someone and I wouldn't wish that one anyone.

"Hey" I can hear his soft voice behind me.

"How are you?" I don't know why I'm asking this, I know he's hurting.

He shrugs off the question.

"Listen, there's a after party type thing at Nathan's, all the boys are coming and Ally will be there too. I'd appreciate if you showed up.

"I really don't know if can make it."

"Please Maddy, it'd mean a lot to me if you were there, you're the only one around that's keeping me sane."

"Damian, look okay Cooper and I called off our relationship. I just don't think I'm in the mood to be around people."

"Wait? You and Cooper called it off like you're not together anymore?"

"Don't act like you don't know Damian, I heard about the chat you two had yesterday."

"I was just letting him know where I stand. I'd be more than happy to talk more about it. Come back to my place for something to eat and we can talk more."

"Alright fine."


Damian said that this was just supposed to be a small gathering. Not the entire town at his house. Ugh this isn't what I need. I need to be home. In my bed. Alone.

"Maddy, you're here." Damian beams while walking down the stairs.

"Yeah well you asked me to so here I am."

"Foods not ready yet, so I thought we'd just talk for a bit?"

"Ah yeah sure."

"It's a bit loud out here, we'll go to my room."

I follow him up the stairs where he leads me into his room.

Just great. This is exactly what I needs, Ally and Matt sitting on Damian's bed.

"Damian what's going on? I ask.

"You two have some things to sort out and Matt and I are here to make sure that nothing irrational occurs."

"I thought you wanted to talk Damian."

"Oh babe, hell I have a whole lot to talk about with you but first you need to make up with Ally."

Fuck this. There was no way that I was going to be the first to apologise in this situation.

Ally stands up. "Maddy I am so so so sorry for everything I've said and done to you these past couple of months. I should have been more of a friend to you and stood by your side during everything, but I fucked up and I'm sorry. I truely am, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Ally I miss you too, don't get me wrong but I feel like we're too far gone from where we used to be."

Her head drops and she does seem truely sorry but I don't know if I can just accept her again.

"I get it. I'm sorry."

Ally leaves the room with and Matt follows after her.

"Why'd you do that for?" Damian asks.

"Do what? I told her how I felt."

Damian begins to walk towards me, pushing me against the door that closes with the force of me being flat against it.

"W-what are you doing?" The words fall out of my mouth as jumble.

"Listen love, I'm trying to make everything right again and you're not letting that happen."

His hands glad up my body and rest on my hips, holding me in place.

"I'm sorry that your plan's not falling into place but you shouldn't be acting out because of it."

"I'm not acting out. I've wanted to do this for a very long time."

His lips meet mine, I resist at first but let him take his course. His lips so perfect, his body gliding up against mine. He licks my lips looking for an entrance so I open slightly allowing him to explore my mouth. Before I can catch a breath I'm being picked up and carried to Damian's bed. He carefully places me down.

"I'm not going any further than kissing with you right now because I need you to know that I mean what I say. I want to be with you Maddy, I want everything about you, I want your problems to be my problems and I want you to be comfortable around me, I want you to be able to tell me what's going on inside your pretty little head of yours and what you're feeling"

I can hardly breath. Not because of the way Damian was kissing me but because I wasn't prepared for him to tell me that. I wasn't prepared for any of that and I have no idea what to do.



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