New Beginnings.

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I grew up in a middle class subdivision in western Canada , the only child to parents who had a very tumultuous relationship that involved many visits by the police every day ,I'm currently living in Alanta .

I hated to see mum get hurt . I would do anything for her , even when my stepfather was going up side her head every other day .

My mum met my stepfather when I was fifteen. After he came into our lives, things changed. At times he could be okay , take us out as a family and stuff, but at other times he'd get into these nasty moods.

When he was in one of his moods and going at mum's head , I used to get between them, even though they both would yell at me to go to my room. Sometimes I got hit by him if I got in the way, but I hated to see mum get hurt. I be damned to let him got upside my mum's head like that .

Today I came home from school and my little step-brother was crying, and my stepfather was screaming at my mum, she had a cut on her arm and across her chest.

I wanted to run to my mums aid but she gave me a look that she was okay and to go to my room. he was really aggravated about something and I could tell he was high & drunk .

I saw him throw an ash-tray at her head , glass shattering everywhere blood dropping hair into her face , she looked so scared. I was scared I wasn't going to have no mama no more .

I took my brother to the neighbors house, they let us in and I asked to use the phone to call the cops. I rang them and told them what was happening.

" Bitch I outta kill you !" he yell .

I heard mum screaming and glass breaking against the wall , a single tear slid down my face because I thought this was a new beginnings for us .

After about 10 minutes I heard the police drive up, and I could hear my stepfather yelling at them. One of the policemen came next door and told me that they had warned my stepfather that if it happened again he could get charged.

They also told me that mum could go to the court for a protection order to stop him from coming near our house. I really wish mum would it's been six months now , and he still treat us like shit .

I took my stepbrother and went back to home , I though things quietened down for a while .My stepfather was sitting on the couch drinking a big bottle off liquor.

Walking pass him he had stopped me , standing in my way . This the shit I would be talking about always fucking with me when mum was in the bathroom .

" So you called the one-times on me ? " he took a big gulp from the bottle .

" I see right pass you when my mum is to blind to see through your phony ass , yes I called the cops , " I rolled my eyes .

Errick had snatched me up by face pulling me up by my throat . " I will beat the fuck outta you little bitch ," he slurred on his words .

" And I'll have the police on yo ass , try me ! because this time imma call your parol officer ," I snatched away from him walking straight into my room .

so know by tomorrow he was still going to have a stank ass attitude and wanna have major blow ups , I knew it because he that type of crazy . He used to hurt our cat, kick it or throw it around if he was mad. He used to pick on my step-brother too, saying he's turning into a wimp and stuff. I could never relax at home.

I would have liked to stay out but. I didn't want to leave my little brother or mum there on their own plus I dont have friends.

There is a tv in my bedroom, so me and my brother used to watch it with the sound turned up so we didn't have to hear the arguments.

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