Chapter 2

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McKenzie's POV

The bus finally gets to school and I have never wanted to get off a bus so bad in my life. I'd even prefer being in a bus with Abby instead of here. Johnny's first impression was underwhelming. Why did I expect him to be sweet? I will never know. I follow everyone as we all walk towards the school gates. 

"Hey Lauren wait up!" I yell.

I run to Lauren and immediately stop to catch my breath.

"You okay there?" Lauren asks while grinning.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you just grab my water bottle for me please?" I say panting. Despite all the dancing I feel so unfit. 

Lauren reaches for my water bottle and hands it to me. I take it with no hesitation and began chugging the whole bottle. 

"Hey sis, are you gonna help me find my locker and class or are you just going to help your shorty friend who looks like she might pass out any second now?" Johnny says sarcastically.

I look up and shoot him a glare. He can't say much, he's not that much taller than me. He smirks without saying a word causing my blood to boil two times faster than before.

"Alright fine, I'll see you later in class Kenz", she says running off and I nod for a response.

"Act cool McKenzie, it's not like you've never been to public school before", I tell herself.


The bell rings and I head to my first class and according to my schedule, I have music. Should be fun. As I get to class, I spot Lauren and the girls sitting at the back with an empty spot next to Lauren.

"Sit here", Lauren says while pointing to the seat next to her.

I walk towards the group and sit down. I take my phone out and open Instagram when a notification pops up. It's a friend request. I open it only to see the "Johnny Orlando" show up on my screen. Odd kid. I don't want to decline it but blocking is too much as well. I take a sigh and decide to add him back. I mean, I don't know the guy well enough so I shouldn't judge, right?

"Okay class, please be seated", the teacher walks in.

"We have a new student joining us today", she looks towards the door and a boy walks in. It was Johnny.

"His name is Johnny Orlando, Lauren's brother. He'll be joining this class for the rest of the school year", she continues.

Everyone looked at Lauren as she smiled shyly. The other girls in the class begin to whisper to each other as they give Johnny that type of smile you'd give someone to appear 'friendly'. I don't blame them, Johnny is, as I said, quite good looking. 

The teacher walks up to Johnny and tells him, 

"You can sit next to Ms. Ziegler and that is where you will be seated the whole time your here." she says.

My mouth drops as I let out a sigh. Just ignore him, you'll be fine. Hopefully.

I used to hate him-a Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Zeigler love story (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now