Chapter 3

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Mackenzie's POV

Sitting in class next to Johnny wasn't too bad. Whenever I looked at him, he's always writing something. I try to look at what he's doing but he manages to cover up before I even get to see it. He did it the whole time in class which surprised me how the teacher didn't tell him off for not paying attention to class.


Finally, the bell rings and to my luck, my stuff gets knocked off from my table while I stood up. They really need to change these desks into bigger ones. To my surprise, Johnny was already picking them up and putting it back on my desks before I could even kneel down. 

"Here you go loser",  he says.

"Thanks? Oh and by the way, please don't call me shorty again because our heights really aren't that different" I say with a cheeky grin.

"Whatever, I'm gonna call you whatever I want. Bye honeybunch!" he says walking of. I create a face of disgust hearing those words. Honeybunch? Who the hell even uses that nowadays? Ew.

I look at myself through my portable mirror only to see my cheeks blood red. The hell? His comment wasn't even good. Whatever, he's not my type anyway...or is he?

(15 min later)

Recess had just finished and I still can't get my mind off of what he had called me. Not because I liked it, yuck. Chills ran down my body with the thought of him calling me that again. It's super cringy. 

"Mackenzie Ziegler, stay focused. you don't like him, he doesn't like you. Get your shit together" I tell myself.

"Now, what class do we have next?" I take my timetable out and check.

"Oh great, we have English. My favorite", I say sarcastically.

"Who the heck are you talking to?" I turn around to see Lauren next to me. 

"No one, don't worry about it" I say as we make our way to class.

English is probably the most boring class I've ever had. Mrs. Sutherland talks for probably...THE WHOLE ENTIRE PERIOD. Although, she talks so much that she can't hear the people that talk mos of the time. 

"Where were you during recess?" Lauren asks.

"I was just at the bathroom", I reply.

"The whole recess.? She looks at me weirdly.

"No, I went to the library afterwards", I lie.

"Whatever you say.." 

the door suddenly bursts open only to see Mr. call Kenzie whatever I want guy. I ignore him hoping he wouldn't sit to the empty seat next to me. Honestly, he could sit anywhere really. There's not a lot of people that's in this class which is far to be honest.

"Well well, who do we have here? Ms. Ziegler, are you stalking me?" he asks while taking the seat next to me. Why oh why?

"FYI, I didn't know you were in my English class", I snap. Suddenly as if Mrs. Sutherland gained her hearing again, turns to look at me and Johnny, staring at us with a glare. 

"You two, be quiet. Especially you Mr. Orlando. It's your first day and you're already late for class. I don't think you'd want to spend after school being AT school do you?" she says. Johnny doesn't persist and sits down. 

"Anyway, we are going to be doing projects and I will be choosing your partners." Everyone in the class groans. She sucks at pairing people up because she never pairs you with your friends. She says it's a good way of getting to know each other throughout the year. 

"Oh no", I say as I bury my head in my hands.

Mrs. Sutherland already had a list of the partners ready. Obviously I was last size my last name starts with Z but it was still interesting to see who got paired up with who. 

"And lastly, Mackenzie partnered with Johnny." she says finishing the list. Johnny looks at me with a smirk on his face. I sigh and look away. So much for a good day. 

I used to hate him-a Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Zeigler love story (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now