Chapter 34

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Johnny's POV

I still can't believe she's gone. It's been 3 days since she's left and Im a mess. I havent been going to school and I just stay in my room most of the day. I look at my phone and looked at pictures of me and get on instagram. I was missing her so much.

(Knock knock)

"Johnny open up!" Lauren yells.

"It's open!" I yell back.

She comes in and sits down on my bed.

"John your a mess! You need to clean yourself and your room. And you need to go back to school! Everyone is asking about you!" Lauren says.

"I can't as you can see. It's like she stole my heart (ugh the cliche) and I just can't seem to get it back", I reply.

"Well, wait I have an idea!"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Make a song about her and let all your feelings out and put it in the it....Missing You!" She says.

Suddenly a smile comes to my face. I told her how great the idea was and thanked her for it. I quickly got cleaned up and quickly cleaned my room. I then took a piece I paper out and a pencil and started to write a song.

Mackenzie's POV

I get up and realize that it's just like the same old days. Get up, get ready for dance, get home and do schoolwork. I just want to go back. I get in the car and listen to the song Johnny and I want together.

When your caught in the tide, know that I'm here to save you.
Cuz your always in my mind,
All day and night!

I sigh. We get to the dance studio and there I see my friends and Ms. Abby. Everyone obviously goes to Maddie first and then comes to me and hug me. Ms. Abby came up to me and hugged me.

"I missed you so much sweetheart!" She says.

"I missed you too!" I reply.

We do our normal routine for dance. When it was everyone's breake, we all sat down at the changing rooms.

"It's a bit boring, can you put the radio on?" I ask.

Kalani was the closest to it so she turned it on.

(Radio speaking)
Now on top of our latest hits,
Missing You by Johnny Orlando!!!!

Music starts playing.

I got confused. Is this really him. He made a song? I got so excited that I quickly bought it from iTunes. I didn't really listen to the words until we were on the car to go home. I was listening to it carefully and the song is all about  a girl he's missing (obviously). I wonder if this song is for me? We get home and I listened to the song over and over again until I fell asleep.

I used to hate him-a Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Zeigler love story (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now