Chapter 4

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Johnny's POV

Right after English finished, I tried to talk to Mackenzie about the project but she seems to be avoiding me. So, I asked Lauren to invite her to the house after school. That way, McKenzie won't be able to avoid for sure.

I try to find my sister during lunch but she must be moving around because it was impossible to find her. By the time I wanted to give up,  I see her getting books from her locker. I walk up to her and ask,

"Hey Lauren, is it alright if you could invite Kenzie to our house during the weekend?"

Lauren turns around.

"Uhm, yea I can. But why can't you do it yourself?" she says.

"Because she seems to be avoiding me and we need to do a project together", I say firmly.

"Well maybe if you didn't call her shorty, she wouldn't be avoiding you like you're some ghost" she barks. 

"Chill, it's not even that bad. Plus we've come to terms with what I call her" Lauren looks at me with a suspicious look but shrugs it off.

"Fine I'll text her later but for now I gotta go" she says which leaves me standing alone.

I honestly thought that she would ask why but she seems cool with it. I walk off and go to the canteen.

(4 days later)

Mackenzie's POV

It's been 4 days and I need to get started with the project. I need to stop avoiding Johnny and get the project started. Lauren asked me if I could go to her house during the weekend. it was an awesome opportunity to start the project with Johnny.

I get home and grab my phone and headed to Lauren's house.

(15 min later)

I finally reach her house and before I could knock, Johnny already opened the door.

"Oh, hey Kenzie!" he says cheerfully.

"Wow, you called me by my name", I say surprised.

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood", he says.

"Come in, Lauren's not here. She's at dance!" he says.

I come in feeling surprised because she's the one who invited me.

"You might be thinking, Lauren invited you but she isn't here so you're surprised", he says.

He read my mind.

"Don't worry, we can start on the project while she's gone", he says.

"But we don't even have the supplies!" I say.

"Oh about that. I bought all of it so we don't have to go through stress", he says smiling at me.

His smile made me smile ad little did I know, I'm starting to have feelings for him.

We go up to his room and gathered the equipment. We decided that we were doing the country Australia. He started on the title while I write some facts. I look at him. He looked so adorable and I couldn't bear to smile. He notices me and I quickly look away. He gave a small laugh. He definitely knew the I was looking at him. 

"I know you were looking at me!" He says.

I look back at him speechless. I can feel my face turning red of embarrassment. 

"It's alright", he says.

There was Awkward silence.

"It's getting boring, can we put on some music?", I ask.

"Sure!" He stood up and grabbed his UE boom speaker and connected his phone.

We just listened to music the whole entire time.

I used to hate him-a Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Zeigler love story (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now