Chapter 22

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Johnny's POV

I decided that it's been long enough that I've kept this secret from Kenzie. I decided that I'm going to show her the drawings I made of her.

I went to her house and knocked on the door.

(Knock knock)

Maddie opens the door and told me that Kenzie was in her room. Then I see Jacob in their house.

"What ya doing her Jacob?" Is ask.

"Oh uhm, Maddie and I are official!" He says hugging her.

I smile and kept walking. I knock and I hear

"COME IN!!!"

I open the door and walk in. I see my baby lying on her bed. H

"Hey babe", I say.

She stands up and walks over to me. She hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey babe, what ya doing here?" She says.

"You know that book I always have with me, well I thought that you finally need to see what's in it", I say.

"Okay then, come here",

We sit on her bed and I open the book.

Mackenzie's POV

Johnny opens the book then I see amazing drawings of me.

"Johnny this is amazing! I never knew you could draw", I say.

"Well all of these drawings has a story", he says.

I look at him with confusion.

"Well, the first drawing of you is when I first met you. I look at that drawing and I see where it all started." He says.

He tells me the rest of what the pictures meant until we got to the last picture.

"Lastly...for now, this drawing of you is the first drawing when you became mine. I still can't believe your mine now." He says.

I smile and he starts to lean closer to me. I do the same and as I know it, our lips touched and we were kissing. Sparks were everywhere. I've never felt like this before. I love him so much!

I used to hate him-a Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Zeigler love story (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now