And I'll sit with my back against a wall
I'll break down and scream and sob.
I'll smash a wall with my fist
And drag a blade across my wrist.I aim to end it all
Not caring at this point what you have you say.
Why you want me to stay.
In the end I'm only destroyed.I'm numb to the pain
I can feel blood dripping from my arms.
But I can't feel the stinging cuts like I should
What's wrong with me?Why couldn't I be enough.
Why couldn't I make you happy
What's wrong with me?
Why am i Like this?I just want it to end.
I don't care what anyone says.
I don't want to feel anything.It hurts too much and I'm tired of this pain.
It aches in my chest.
I don't know how to stop it
It feels like a blade between my ribs.There's no pulling it out
No stopping the bleeding.
Just a final words written on paper
And an aching heart will stop.I hope your okay
But at this point I don't care.
I just wanted the ache to stop...
Is that too hard to understand..And I guess this is goodbye forever..
I hope I don't wake up.
I still love you.
I think I always will.Don't forget me.
It's okay if you do.
But I'll always be there
In the little things you see
sparking flashbacks like a storm.