Chapter 8

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"WOO! Man! What a show!" Said Kevin still pumped.

"Yeah, that was a great crowd!" Scott said.

"Yeah. Hey, Scott did you tell them yet?" Asked Mitch.

Scott smacked his forehead.

"Shoot! Not yet! Hey y'all down to go to Luke's party tonight?"

We all mumbled our agreements along the lines of 'yeah' 'sounds good' or 'I'm down'.

"Alrighty then. Y'all ready?" Mitch asked.

We were just out the door when I remembered.

"Hey Avi, do you need to take a pain pill before we go?"

"Oh! Yeah, that would probably be smart!" He chuckled.

He took one and we were on our way. We arrived at the party and Luke greeted us.

"Guys!!! Yes, so glad y'all could make it!" He said pulling us all into a group hug.

"There's drinks in the kitchen and snacks just about everywhere, so help yourselves!"

"Who's all here?" Scott asked

"Oh you know. Friends. Friends of friends." He chuckled.

"Okay." Scott said laughing

We walked in and the music was VERY loud. We all kinda dispersed into the crowd and went our separate ways. I went to the kitchen to go get a drink to start the night. There was a lot of people here I didn't know so I just kept to myself. Then suddenly two arms wrapped around me in a hug. I turned around.

"Hey Kirst!!"

"Jenna, hi!"

Jenna was a friend of mine as well as the rest of PTX.

"Who are you here with?" She asked yelling over the music.


"Oh! They're all here as well?"

"Yeah! They're around somewhere." I said laughing.

"I'll have to go see them! Great talking to ya girl, I'll catch up with you later." She said with a smile and walked off.

I got my drink and just started to walk around. I had no idea where Scott and everyone else went. Oh well, I'll run into them sooner or later.

I was walking around when I felt uneasy. Like someone was.....watching me. I looked around and sure enough there was this shady guy eyeing me up and down. I walked away hopeing he'd loose intrest, but turned a corner and there he was.

"Hey, get enough to drink?" He asked extending a drink towards me.

"I'm fine thank you." I said holding up my cup.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" He asked placeing a hand on my waist. Never have I been so apauled in my life. He wasn't even cute.

"I was actually just about to go with some friends." I said pulling away.

"How about you just stay with me." He said and pulled me back. Closer this time.

"How about, no." I tried pulling away but he wouldn't have it.

"Come on now don't be like that." He said getting closer.

I pushed him with all the strength I had and was finally loose.

"Ugh! Creep." I said as I walked away.

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