Chapter 11

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We walked in the lobby and saw Ben, Kevin, and Esther trying to control the drunk besties.

"No, Scott don't touch that! Mitch, no!" Esther yelled at them.

"I CAAAN'T BE TAAMED, I CAAAN'T BE TAAMED." They both started singing.

"Mitchie! You a literally SO GOOD at singing!"

"Stooop it! You're good at singing!" They both started laughing very loud and Esther threw her hands over their mouths to shut them up.

"Guys, Please just shut up!"

Ben had finally gotten the room keys and told us we're in the same partners.

"Scott and Mitch? Together?" Kirstie asked.

"Yes, but I took the liberty of staying in their room tonight to make sure they behave. So you guys can get some sleep." He said with a smile.

"Thanks so much buddy!" Kevin said bringing him into a bro hug.

"Anytime man! Now y'all go get some rest."

I went and grabbed my stuff and Kirstie grabbed hers and we walked together to our floor.

"What's your room number?" I asked her.

"324. Yours?"

"336. I'll probably stop by later if that's okay with you?"

"That's perfect." She said with a smile. We arrived at her room and I gave her a tight hug and quick peck on the cheek before I continued to my room. I slid the card in the door and opened it. To my surprise Kevin was already there.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I asked laughing.

"Me and Esther took the stairs! It was surprisingly a lot faster!"

"Ahhhh alright then."

I went and put my suitcase by my bed and then walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put another bag of mine in there. After I was done I walked back to the beds and Kevin had already taken over the TV.

"Got any plans tonight bro?" He asked.

I laughed.

"Sleep. Also I need your opinion on something Kev." I said seriously

He muted the TV and gave me his undivided attention.

"Sure dude. Anything."

"Well you probably know that me and Kirstie a-"

"Are a thing? Yeah." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Well we've never actually been on a, first date yet. And I was wondering what you think I should do."

It seemed to take him a little while, but in a matter of minutes a light seemed to go off in his head.

"Nothing too fancy." He finally said. "You want her to feel comfortable. How about a picnic?"

"That doesn't sound half bad. Thanks Kervy!"

"What are bros for?" He threw a pillow at me and it hit me square in the face.
"Now got talk to your princess." He said smirking.

I just laughed at him.
"Get ouuttttt." I threw the pillow back and ran out hopeing not to get hit. I close the door and hear Kevin's laugh boom from inside the room. I laughed to myself and continued to Kirstie's room.

What was her number again?..... Oh yeah 324.
324....324.....324.....324.... Aha! Here it is!

I knocked on the door and withen seconds I was greeted by my beautiful girlfriend.

"Avi!" She said with a smile and grabbed my hand and pulled me in her room.

"Hey" I said laughing.

She sat criss-cross on her bed and pat the spot in front of her for me to sit, so I did.

"So where's Esther?" I asked.

"She went to go see if Ben wanted any help, and then to probably go hang with Kevin."

"Cool. Sooooo, I've been thinking.." I reached over and grabbed her hand.
"We haven't had our first date yet." I smiled.

"You are right! What do you have planned?" She smiled while she traced circles on my wrist.

"I can't tell you, but if you are ready around 3 tomorrow we can go. And it's nothing really fancy." I smiled.

"Ooo I can't wait. It already sounds perfect!" She said wrapping her hands around my neck.

"Trust me, it will be." I said moving my hands to her sides. I closed the space between us and kissed her. We layed down on the bed where we were both on our sides facing each other. We pulled apart.

"Hey Avi?"

"Yes, beautiful?"

"Are you ticklish?"


I was cut off by my own laugh as Kirstie tickled me.


She finally let up and was out of breath from laughing.

"I'm glad you found that amusing." I said chuckling.

"It was VERY funny." She said still laughing.

This was my chance when her guard is down. I pulled her to my side of the bed so to where I was on top of her.

"AVI! What are you doing?!"


"Avi. No. Don't!"

Before she could say anything else the tickling began. She was VERY ticklish and her laugh filled the room and probably the ones next door she was so loud.

FUNNY." She said in between laughs. I finally stopped after she almost died of laughter. I was still above her and placed my forehead against hers.

"I think I one." I said smirking.

"Just this time." She said and pulled me in for another kiss.

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