Chapter 24

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We got into Kirstie's car and proceeded to drive to my apartment. Since we put tour off we all decided to get our own apartment, you know, to give each other a little space until we put it back on. I gazed out the window examining the buildings, trees, and other cars we past, then I felt Kirstie take a hold of my hand.

"You okay? You're awfully quiet." She said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I smiled.

"What about?"

"Tour. And everything else. When do you think we're going to put it back on?" I asked. I was ready to perform again.

"Well babe, you have to heal first." She chuckled. "We'll talk about it soon though." She smiled.

And she kept smiling.

"What are you smiling about Kirst?..." I asked confused.

She kept her eyes on the road and shook her head slowly.


That's odd. Oh well, we're almost there anyway.

About five minutes passed and we arrived at my apartment. We got out and she laced her fingers with mine and practically dragged me to the door.

"Someone excited to be home?" I chuckled.

She kept silent, still having that mischievous smile plastered on her face. She's up to something. I know it. I handed her my keys and she opened the door. I walked in and it was pitch black.

"Why is it so dark in h-" I was cut off by bright lights and loud screams.

"WELCOME HOME AVI!!!!!" I looked around the room and saw Kevin, Esther, Scott, Mitch, Ryan, Ben and many other friends. I was speechless this is so sweet.

"I- I don't know what to say! I love y'all so much!!" I said and turned to Kirstie. "Did you plan this?" I smiled.

"Yep." She nodded her head. "Well, it was a collective effort, but I brought it up." She smiled.

"Thank you so much, babe." I said, pulling her into a kiss as I retracted my hand from hers to slide around her waist, and she placed her hand on my chest.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Kevin shouted, and everyone let out a chorus of screams.

They dimmed the regular lights and put on colorful ones. Mitch and Scott selected some great songs, and everyone was having a great time. I walked to the kitchen with Kirstie, where one of our other friends, Josh was wipping up some drinks. We sat in the chairs at the bar and I debated on going with a beer or classic whiskey, I went with whiskey while Kirstie I think went with coke and rum.

"Thanks again, baby." I said leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Of course." She pulling me in for a much deeper kiss.

It took me by surprise at first, but I gave in. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I set my drink down and moved my hands to her waist, pulling her slightly closer. She suddenly pulled away and stood up.

"Come on." She said, grabbing my hand and pulled me to the spare room, closing the door behind us, muffling the music.

She moved closer, closing the space between us and wrapped her hands around my neck. My hands took their place on her hips, pulling her that much closer. Our lips met once again, picking up right where we left off. Her hands entangled my hair, massaging my scalp, causing a nearly inaudible moan to escape my mouth. We moved slowly to the bed. Picking her up gently, I layed her down, not breaking the kiss. I climbed on top of her planting feather-like kisses along her neck, allowing her time to catch her breath. Her hands moved down my chest to the hem of my shirt. She played with the hem before completly removing my shirt, exposing my bare chest. I moved from her neck to her jawline, nipping it gently, causing her to giggle. I smiled and we connected our lips once again. I decided to deepen the kiss by sliding my tounge across her lip, asking for entrance. She parted her lips, letting me in. Our tounges danced across our mouths, causing the moment to heat up that much more. My hand that was on her hip is now playing with the hem of her shirt. I slide my fingers under her shirt, running them across her bare skin which in turn causes her to form goosebumps under my touch. I slowly begin to lift her shirt, but only got half way before she stopped me. I break the kiss confused, and stop what I'm doing.

"We need to stop before this gets carried away." She chuckles.

"I think you're right." I laugh, my voice husky from our little make out session.

"Oh, that's a cute voice." She laughed.

I cleared my throat so I went back to my regular voice. "Better?" I smiled.

"I don't know. I liked the other one." She smiled and pecked my lips.

I chuckled and began to get off her, moving to the edge of the bed to find my shirt.

"Hey babe, what did you do with my shirt?" I asked.

No answer.

"Ba-" I began to turn around, but was cut off by my shirt slamming into my face, and the little giggles of Kirstie.

"Gee thanks." I chuckled.

"You're wel-" I cut her off by throwing a pillow at her face.

"AVRIEL!" She yelled.

I couldn't hold it in. I burst into laughter, my shirt falling to the ground.

"That's not funny!" She said obviously laughing while hitting me with a pillow.

"Then why are you laughing?!" I said returning the hit with a pillow of my own.

She hit me again and I hit her back and soon it emounted in a full out pillow fight. I was out of breath from the pillow fight and laughing so much and I collapsed on the bed. She soon felt the same and layed on top of me, her arms wrapping around my torso and her chin on my chest looking up at me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and looked down at her.

"I really love you." I smiled.

"I really love you too." She smiled back and stretched up to peck my lips one more time. "We should probably go back." She said getting up.

"Yeah, but one thing."


"I think I lost my shirt again."

She laughed and picked it up off the floor and put my head through it.

"What am I going to do with you?" She laughed.

"Keep me?" I smiled like a little kid.

"I guess." She laughed and pulled me into a hug once I got my shirt on.

"Yay." I said as I hugged her tight.

"Okay, lets go." She said taking my hand as we joined the the party.

AN: Heyyy! Long time no see :) I finally got around to updating this story after like 38472 years.... Anyway hope y'all liked the chapter! Thanks for reading and voting! <3

*blows kiss*

Goood byeeeeee

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