Chapter 1

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Kylie's POV

"Kylie, get up! We have to go to work," I hear my dad yell at me. I reluctantly get up, and start to get ready.
Where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself! I'm Kylie Stonewell. I'm 17, and I have light brown hair, and blue eyes.
I live in California and my family owns Stonewell Diner, where I work. We're actually closing the restaurant this week, because my dad got an amazing job offer from someone who ate at the diner. Today is my last day, so after my shift I will never see the diner again.
The main thing about me, is that I LOVE R5. My favorite member would have to be Ross or Rydel. I dream about how cool it would be to have Rydel as a best friend, and Ross as a boyfriend. Of course, I know that would never happen, because they're famous, and obviously, I'm not; but I still fantasize about it, everyday. So, once I finally got up, I jumped into the shower. Once I'm out, I dry off, and begin to get ready. First, I put on my uniform, a black skirt and a white blouse. Then, I go back into the bathroom that's connected to my room and dry my hair so I will be able to straighten it. While doing this, I listen to R5's Here Comes Forever, my favorite R5 song. Next, once I've finished my hair, i start putting on my makeup. My usual foundation, mascara, bottom eyeliner, and some EOS lip balm. After that, I go back into my room and grab my purse and head downstairs.

"Good morning sweetie," my mom says, smiling. She walks towards me for a hug.

"Good morning mom," I reply, smiling and hugging her back. I really love my mom and I tell her everything. I don't know where I'd be without her.

"Ready to go?" My dad asks, as he walks into the living room.

"Yep!" I reply back. My parents and I walk outside, and over to our cars.

"Mom, dad, Can I drive myself to work so I can maybe go shopping later?"

"Sure thing, pumpkin!" My dad has called me pumpkin since I was 7.

"Thanks!" They get into their car and drive off. Before I get in my car, I pull out my phone and text my brother, Anthony.

Start of Phone Conversation

Me: I'm so excited! You come home in 3 days!

Anthony: Me 2! I gtg now bc I'm going out with some friends. I love you, Kylie!

Me: I love you too!

End of Phone Conversation

My brother, Anthony is 21, and he went to New York for college. He actually finished school back in May, but the lease on his apartment wasn't up until this month, so he just stayed out there. I can't wait until he comes home.
After I put on my seat belt, I hook my phone up to the car dock and I select Love Me Like That, my second favorite R5 song. I sing along in my silver Honda Civic, and wonder what my last day at work will have in store for me.

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