Chapter 31

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Ross' POV

I awake with a feeling of sadness. I can't believe that Laura kissed me yesterday. Now, Kylie's pissed at me. Ugh! I turn, and notice that Ryland's not here. I guess he's downstairs. I look at the clock, and it reads ten thirty. I bet my whole family is downstairs. I guess I'll go down to. I get out of bed, and walk downstairs over to the kitchen. I walk over to the kitchen, and see that my siblings are in the kitchen, and that my parents aren't. I walk in to the kitchen, and go to the cabinet where we keep the bowls.

"Look who finally got up!" Ryland says in a joking tone. I don't even want to put up with anyone right now, so I just disregard that comment. Once I get the bowl, as well as a spoon, I walk over to the island. My family has put all of the cereal we have on it. I pour Cheerios into a bowl, as well as milk. I don't even like Cheerios, but what's it matter? I start eating, and notice that Riker has a puzzled look on his face. Rydel immediately shoots him a 'Drop It' look.

"Mom and Dad are at an R5 meeting." Rydel says. I give her a thumbs up, not really wanting to talk to anyone right now. Everyone awkwardly goes back to their breakfast. After about ten minutes, everyone is done eating. Rydel, Ryland, and Rocky all go off somewhere else into the house, and Riker and myself clean off the table, silently. Once he leaves, I rinse off the dishes, and put them into the dishwasher. I also put the milk and cereal back into the fridge and the pantry. Once I'm done, I walk out to the living room. When I get in there, I see Riker helping Rocky prop up his bad leg up on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Hey Ross, come here for a second." Riker says. Ugh, I don't really want to talk to anyone aside from Kylie right now, but I walk over anyway.

"What is it?" I ask.

"What's wrong?" Riker asks.

"It's a long story." I warn them.

"We're not doing anything." Rocky says. I guess I might as well tell them.

"OK, so while I was on set yesterday..."

-Flashback to the day before-

I'm sitting in my dressing room, going over my script for the episode that we're about to film. As I'm going over the last scene that I wanted to go over, I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say quietly. The door opens revealing Laura. She's a REALLY fitted shirt, tight short-shorts, and some converse. Basically, I don't think it's Ally's outfit.

"Hey Ross." she says, as she tucks her hair behind her ear. That's how she flirts...

"Hey Laura." I say putting my script on the table.

"So, today's your first day filming since your diagnoses, right?" she asks, as she sits down on the couch. I scoot away a little.

"Yeah, I think it'll be OK, though." I say back.

"I bet it will be." she says, scooting closer. OK, now I'm confused. Neither of us say anything, but she puts her hand on my thigh. I try to scoot back farther, but with the grip that she has on me, I can't get too far back. She puts her hands on my face, and next thing I know, we're kissing! I try to pull away, but she won't let me. After about five failed attempts at pulling back, I give in, and kiss back. I wrap my arms around her. This is so wrong! I'm dating Kylie! I can either never tell her about this, or I can tell her every detail, and hope she doesn't get too mad. I think I'll be honest with her, she's probably going to find out later anyway. I can tell that Laura wants more, but there's NO way that's going to happen. I hear a noise that sounds like a knock, but I think that I'm just hearing it in my head. I hear it again. Weird. Suddenly, I hear the sound of a doorknob turn, and a voice.

"Ross!" Kylie screams. We quickly pull back, and look at Kylie. She looks hurt, confused, and REALLY pissed. I quickly walk over to her.

"Kylie, I-" is all I say before she cuts me off.

"Save it, Ross. This day has been horrible. I come here to get comfort from you, and see you and Laura, someone who you said you NEVER have or ever would like in that way kissing?!" she exclaims. She's boiling mad.

"Ky-" I say, before she silences me with her hand. She runs out of my dressing room, and I follow her. She's sitting in her car, bawling. I signal for her to roll down her window.

"What?" she asks, as she dries her tears.

"Ky, I'm sorry. How was your doctor's appointment?" I say, really wanting to change the subject.

"You're not sorry, and you don't care." she declares.

"Please let me explain." I say. She rolls her window back up, and I try to signal for her to put it down. Instead, she starts up her car, and leaves the set.

-End of Flashback-

"Woah." Rocky says. At this point, I'm crying into my hands, and I'm sitting in between Riker and Rocky on the couch. Riker puts his arm around me as I continue to cry.

"It'll be OK." Riker tells me.

"No it won't. I've tried calling her and texting her a million times, and she won't answer!" I exclaim.

"OK, look at me." Rocky says. I dry my tears, and look up at him. "Tomorrow you are going to go to Kylie's house, and tell her what you just told us." he says.

"But, she won't listen to me, and-" I say, before I get cut off.

"You are going there tomorrow, end of story. I'd say you should go today, but you are a mess, and need to take one day to calm yourself down, and so does she." he says, with a serious look on his face.

"Do you seriously think that she'll listen?" I ask both of them.

"If you think long and hard about how you're going to say all of this to her, then yes." Riker says.

"OK. I've got to go figure out how I'm going to win her back!" I exclaim. I get off the couch, and dart upstairs into my room. I get a piece of paper, and start to write out some stuff that I can say to Kylie to tell her tomorrow.

Riker's POV

Ross darts upstairs, leaving me and Rocky on the couch.

"How'd we not learn about this yesterday?" I ask. Rocky shrugs. "By the way, where'd the advice that you gave Ross come from?" I ask.

"Remember when I was thirteen, and I 'dated' that girl, Samantha?" he asks. I nod. "Well, one time I made her mad or something. I asked you how to win her back, and that's what you told me." he says.

"Oh, yeah I remember that! Did it work?" I ask.

"I was thirteen, it didn't matter. But, I can sort of see Ross and Kylie getting married one day." he says back.

"So, it didn't work?" I ask laughing.

"No. You know, if I could easily walk out of this conversation right now, I would." he replies back. We both laugh a little. When we stop, we hear footsteps, which moments later reveal themselves to be Rydel's.

"What's up, Delly?" Rocky asks.

"You guys won't believe this." she says.

"What?" I ask.

"Kylie's going to Tennessee tomorrow to see Kendall, and she'll be there for  a week." she says.

"Kendall was kind of cute..." Rocky says, trailing off.

"Dude, focus. This means Ross won't be able to fix anything for a week. Should we tell him?" I ask.

"No. Tell him tomorrow after her plane takes off. Separation is a good thing for them right now." Rocky says. Man, for the sake of Ross and Kylie's relationship, I hope he's right.

A/N- Last week, we forgot to put something in the author's note. The new cover of this story, (which is one of Kylie's quotes from chapter 29) was designed by one of the owners of the account @welovechocolate53 We gave them a shout out a few chapters back, but we're doing it again. Go read their story, A Weird Love Story. They are posting chapter 16 today! There will be more drama soon-ish Anyways, comment what you think will happen next!

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