Chapter 39

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Rocky's POV

Currently, me, my parents, and the rest of my siblings, aside from Ross, are standing in front of our house. There's a moving truck in our driveway, which is what we are looking at. Ross is putting a box in the back. The passenger door up front opens, and Kylie comes out. She looks STUNING. Why am I thinking things like this about my brother's girlfriend. Anyway, the two of them close the back of the truck up. The two of them turn around, and look at all of us. Ross looks kind of sad, but happy at the same time. He walks over to our parents.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." he says, hugging them. They mumble something that from where I am, I can't make out what it is. They let go, then Ross walks over to Ryland, hugs him, then does the same thing to Riker. He hugs Rydel, and then they release. He looks over to me. "Bye Rocky." he says awkwardly. Him and Kylie get into the truck, and they drive away. He's moving out to live with Kylie, and still hasn't forgiven me? Suddenly, the scene changes. All of us, including Ratliff and Kylie are in the hospital, standing in front of a room. But, Ross isn't standing with us. Weird.

"What's going on?" I finally ask Riker after being very confused.

"Ross is having very critical surgery for his cancer." he says. Another question forms in my mind.

"Is he still mad at me?" I ask. Riker just nods, with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Seconds later, a doctor comes out of the room that we are all standing in front of.

"Did the surgery work?" my dad asks. The doctor shifts around uncomfortably.

"The surgery, um, the surgery didn't work. He's only got a couple minutes left. You can all say your goodbyes individually." she says. Mom goes first. Time passes faster than realistically possible, so it quickly becomes my turn. I'm going last. I walk in, and see Ross laying in a hospital bed, with some wires connected to him. I walk over to his bed.

"Ross." I say, barely audible.

"Rocky." he says. He coughs. "Rocky, I..." he says stopping in mid-sentence.

"What?" I ask. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. Suddenly, I hear a long beep. I look up, and his heart monitor has gone flat. He's gone. I start crying. "NO!" I scream. I sit on the floor by his bed. The door opens, and the doctor that told us the surgery didn't work comes into the room. She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Rocky." she says, nudging me a little bit. I ignore her. "Rocky, Rocky." she says a little louder. I try to shove her hand off of my shoulder. I close my eyes really tight, then open them again. Suddenly, I see a white background, and a head. Once my eyes focus, I see the background as the ceiling in my room, and the head is Riker's.

"Rocky." he says, nudging me. I suddenly realize that the moving truck and hospital were just a dream, and that none of it actually happened. I sit up, and Riker sits next to me. "Are you OK?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream." I say.

"What about?" he asks. I think for a second. Should I tell him? I guess so.

"Well, it has two different scenes. The first one was outside of our house. It was two years into the future, and Ross was moving out to live with Kylie. He still hadn't forgiven me." I say.

"Wow, that's-" he says before I cut him off.

"That's not the worst part. The next scene was in a hospital where he was getting surgery for his cancer. It didn't work, and we all had to say our goodbyes. I went last, and there wasn't enough time. When I got in, he couldn't say anything, pretty much. He died without us making peace with each other." I say. I take a deep breath.

"OK, you two need to work this out. This has gone WAY too far." he says.

"But he won't listen to me!" I say.

"Make him." he says.

'OK." I say. I don't think he'll listen, but I don't want to continue this conversation. I glance over to my clock, and it says that it is nine forty-seven.

"I'm going downstairs for breakfast. You coming?" he asks.

"Nah. I'm going to go back to sleep for a little bit." I say. He nods, then leaves the room, closing the door. I get comfortable, then drift back into sleep.

-An Hour Later-

I wake up, and look at my clock. It is now ten fifty-four. I guess I should go get breakfast. I get up, grab my crutches, and instead of going to the stairs, I go to the end of the hallway where Ross and Ryland's room is. I knock on the door, and hear a "Come in." The voice that said it belongs to Ross. I'm getting this conversation over with. I open the door, and he's sitting at his desk, looking at his Austin and Ally script. He turns to me, and looks... nervous? I can't tell.

"Ross, I need to talk to you." I say.

"I, um, I have to-" he says before I cut him off.

"Ross, I have to talk to you now." I say. He looks sort of defeated.

"OK, what is it?" he asks.

"I am so sorry that I kissed your girlfriend. It was so wrong, and if you ever did something like that to me, I'd be really mad, too." I say.

"Rocky, look-" he says before I cut him off.

"I feel terrible about this. I've not been able to watch the Kardashians all of this time because seeing Kylie Jenner makes me feel guilty, and you know how much I like watching because of Kim. I've had crazy dreams that freak me out the next day. I know that I screwed up BIG time, but it was a total mistake. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to do that, but I do know that it was wrong. I feel really guilty about this, and I'm sorry." I say. I have to take a breath when I'm finished.

"Woah. What were your dreams?" he asks.

"Well, last night, I dreamt that the two of you were moving out to live together, and this was like two years from now. You still hadn't forgiven me. The second part was you getting throat surgery, and you didn't make it. We all went to say goodbye, me going last. I got in, and you passed before we could make our peace with each other." I say.

"Wow, Rocky, I didn't know you were so phased." he says. He thinks everything over, then speaks again. "I forgive you. I shouldn't have held a grudge against you for so long." he says.

"You had every right to be mad." I say.

"Well, I'm not anymore." he says. He smiles a little.

"So, we're cool?" I ask for verification.

"Yeah, we're cool." he says.

"I have to get dressed, but maybe we could go to the practice room and make up some melodies?" I ask.

"Sure." he says. I crutch out of his room, and feel like the happiest guy ever right now. I walk in my room, and see Riker. I plaster a huge grin on my face as he looks up.

"Why are you so happy?" he asks.

"Ross and I worked things out." I say.

"See, I knew you two would come to an understanding." he says. I roll my eyes, and he gets up.

"Were are you going?" I ask.

"I promised mom that I'd help her make lunch." he says. I look at the clock, and it's a little before noon.

"Oh, OK. I'll be down later." I say. He nods, and goes downstairs. I sit on my bed, and begin to think what guitar chords would sound good together for later.

A/N-  This chapter is actually half of what I had originally planned on writing for it o.O Originally, it was going to be in Rocky and Kylie's POV's, but when I wrote it, I got lazy. I want to know if you guys would want to read a sequel to this story, so I know how to end it. (SPOILER: He wouldn't have cancer in the sequel) Anyway, this story has 1,360 ish reads! Thank you so much for reading this! I hope the beginning of this chapter didn't freak you out too much :P I'll write the next chapter as soon as I can. Just an FYI, the maximum amount of chapters in this story will be 60, so I need opinions on if you want a sequel! Comment any improvements or suggestions you have! See  you next time!

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