Chapter 50

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Ross' POV

It's been two weeks since our parents told us about the tour. Rocky and Kendall haven't talked at all since they broke up. Rocky's still acting the same way he did the day it happened, but now he's not just sad, he's also really angry at, well, everything. He spends a lot of time in his room, and when he comes out to eat meals with us, he doesn't talk to us. When we have band practice, he doesn't try at all. He mumbles when he sings his parts, and plays sloppily, which angers dad. When dad starts to tell him to get it together, Rocky just rolls his eyes, and ignores him. All of us hate seeing him like this. We all think that he just needs to get over Kendall already, they did only date for a month. Anyway, Kylie and I have spent a lot of time together. We've had dinner dates, taken long walks in the park so we can just talk, and have had movie marathons. All of these movie marathons have been at her house, because I felt that Rocky would get jealous seeing Kylie and myself being so happy together. Right now, I'm heading down to the kitchen to get a quick breakfast. Dad said that we're having a family meeting after we all finish breakfast. I'm already dressed, because I woke up sort of early today. When I get into the kitchen, Rydel is already in here, eating her breakfast, a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." I say as I grab a bowl to fill with the cereal that Rydel has on the table, along with the milk.

"Morning. I wonder what the family meeting is about." she says before putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

"Probably something about that stupid tour." Rocky says as he walks into the kitchen. He looks like he just rolled out of bed. Honestly, he probably did. He's been sleeping late ever since the breakup, which has angered dad, because we have to push back our practices. Rocky grabs a bowl, and fills it with the cereal on the table. Once he sits down, no one knows what to say, so we all just eat in silence until we're done. Once we're all finished, we wash out our bowls, and walk into the living room, where our family is already sitting, ready to begin the meeting. The three of us find places to sit, then everyone looks over to our parents.

"Before we say the big thing we called you down here for, I just want to say that we're going to have band practice tomorrow since we're having this meeting today." Dad says. I look over to Rocky, and he just rolls his eyes.

"Okay kids, we've given this a lot of thought," Mom starts. "And we think we made the wrong choice when we said that both, Kendall and Kylie, couldn't come on tour with us." Rocky's face lights up.

"Are you saying," Rocky trails off in mid sentence.

"Kendall can come! You two were having a great relationship until we messed it all up. Now son, I think you should go clean up a little, and get her to come with us." Dad says. For the first time in two weeks, Rocky smiles. He quickly gets up off the couch, and bolts upstairs.

"Ross, I think you should go to Kylie's so you can tell her the good news." Mom says, smiling.

"Okay!" I say. I feel a huge grin forming on my face. I get up, and since I'm already dressed, go out the front door, I walk to Kylie's with a skip in my step. I'm so excited that I can bring the girl of my dreams with me to discover the world. I hope that Rocky and Kendall work everything out, so she can come, too. Anyway, once I get to Kylie's house, I knock on the door. A few seconds later, Anthony answers.

"Hey Ross, what's up?"

"Is Kylie here?" I ask.

"Yeah. She's in her room, but she may still be asleep."

"Okay. I need to talk to her. My parents changed their minds, and said that both, Kendall and Kylie can come on tour with us!"

"That's great! Kylie's going to be so happy about that!" Anthony says, as I walk into the house, and over to the stairs. I go up, and go over to Kylie's room. I knock on her door. After waiting for a few seconds, I open her door, and go into her room. She's sound asleep in her bed. She's laying on the far left side of the bed, facing the door. I walk over to her bed, and lay on the empty side. I scoot my head next to hers, and quickly peck her. She does nothing. I kiss her again. After a few seconds, I can feel her kissing back. Her eyes flutter open. She starts to smile into the kiss. After a minute, she pulls back.

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