Chapter 10

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Kylie's POV

I wake up the next morning, the happiest I've ever woken up, because all I can think about is last night. I look at the little golden ring on my left ring finger and smile. Last night was the definition of perfect. After dwelling on the thought for a little bit, I decide to go downstairs for breakfast.

Also, I want to tell my family about last night. So, I get up, and go downstairs, into the kitchen. My parents and Anthony are already sitting at the island eating breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetie!" my mom says as she walks over to hug me.

"Good morning!" I say, to no one in particular.

"How'd your date go last night?" Anthony asks me.

"It can be described in one word, PERFECT!" I say excitedly.

"Details, details!" Anthony says, trying to impersonate Kendall. Wow, I kind of miss her. Focus, Ky!

"Ok, so he got me at seven, and we listened to Bruno Mars on the way. We went to Olive Garden and we had our own private 'section'. I got spaghetti, and he told me that I was perfect, and we had chocolate cake. The best part of the whole night, was that he got me a promise ring! It has R+K= infinity on it!" I say, hoping they all caught the insane amount of information if just threw at them.

"OMG that's awesome!" Anthony says, still trying to impersonate Kendall. I roll my eyes as he comes over to hug me.

"I think I'm going to go get a shower." I say to my family.

"Ok pumpkin." my dad says, smiling. I go upstairs, and up to my room. Once I get up there, I decide to check my phone, before I get into the shower. Once I turn it on, it says I have one new message. It's from Kendall. It says,

Kendall: Ky, I saw the pics that you and Ross posted of last night. I believe you. Can we meet at the mall at eleven?

I look over at the clock. It says nine-thirty. I text back sure, and that I'll see her at eleven. I get a quick shower. After, I throw an outfit together. My outfit consists of a pair of skinny jeans, black converse, and a pink tank top.

After, I grab my iPhone, and put my R5 shuffle on. I rock out to their songs, while I do my hair and make up. I simply straighten my hair, and put on my usual foundation, mascara, bottom eyeliner, and EOS. By then, it's 10:30. I grab my purse, and my phone, and go downstairs.

"Where are you going, Kylie?" Anthony asks me.

"Kendall wants to meet at the mall. It should be interesting." I say back.

"Good luck." he says back.

I'm truthfully going to need all of the luck in the world. I walk out to my car, and put my phone in the iPhone dock. Of course, I'm listening to R5 again. Just because I happen to be dating a member of R5 definitely doesn't mean I can't still obsess over their music!

Anyways, after a ten minute drive, I get out, and drop my phone in my purse. I walk in, and go to our usual meeting place. I'm here first, so I have to wait for a little bit. Then, I eventually see Kendall.

"Hey, Ky!" she says, happily, while hugging me.

"Hey, Ken!" I say back, just as happy.

"Look, I'm sorry. I should've believed you, and at least have let you explain. You would've believed me. Do you forgive me?" she says, her facial expression showing that she thinks I'll just say no.

"I do. I've missed you! Now, I need to tell you all about our date last night!" I say excitedly.

"Yes, you do!" she says, squealing at this point. I tell her that Rydel helped me get ready, that Ross picked me up at seven, which was right on time, we listened to Bruno Mars, how we got our own 'section' at Olive Garden, all of the details on when he told me I was perfect, and of course, the promise ring.

"OMG, THAT IS SO AWESOME!!" Kendall squeals. She's basically fangirling.

"I should take you to meet them" I say excitedly.

"That would definitely be a great final thing that we do together before I leave." Kendall replies. I give her a confused look.

"Oh, I totally forgot to tell you. My family and I are going to live in Nashville, Tennessee to take care of my grandma who is dying. Once she dies, we are coming back, though." she says, with a sad look on her face.

"Aww, I'm sorry, Ken." I say pulling her into a hug that lasts about ten seconds. "Let's go to the Lynch's house now!" I say smiling. She nods, and we walk out of the mall together. We drive separately, because we came here separately. So, she follows me to the Lynch's house. Once we pull up, she looks excited.

"Dude, this is five houses down from yours!" she says, just as shocked as I was when I found out. I smile as I nod. After she calms down a little bit, we walk up to the door, and I knock the door, waiting for an answer. Eventually, Riker comes to the door.

"Hey Kylie. Ross is in his room. Who's this?" he asks, pointing to Kendall.

"This is my best friend, aside from Rydel, Kendall." I say, smiling.

"So, she's your Jenner sister?" he asks, laughing.

"Yep!" I say, as we head upstairs to Ross and Ryland's room. I knock on the door, and Ross, answers, almost instantly.

"Kylie!" he says, excited. I walk over to him, and we peck each other on the lips.

"Ross, this is my best friend, Kendall." I say.

"Hi! I'm Ross." Ross says, as he extends his hand, indicating for Kendall to shake it. I look over, and she's stunned.

"Kendall." she says shyly, while shaking his hand.

"Can we all go swimming, like we did my first time I came here?" I ask.

"Sure!" Ross replies. We walk over to Rydel's room, and I introduce the two to each other. Everyone gets on a swimsuit, and we spend the whole day swimming. We eat pizza, just like we did my first time over here. Kendall and I leave after, because she leaves tomorrow, and I'm tired.

I get home, and tell my family every detail of today. Needless to say, I went to bed happily tonight.

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