Chapter 17

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Kylie's POV

"Ding Ding Ding!" I hear my phone going off, waking me up. I over reluctantly. I see that Ross is calling. I press answer, wondering why on earth he's calling at six A.M.

"Hello?" I say sleepily.

"Hey Ky." Ross says back, sounding totally awake.

"Ross, I love you, but why are you calling me at six A.M.?" I ask, starting to wake up myself.

"Can I come over?" he asks, with a pleading tone in his voice. As much as I want to sleep, I decide to be nice.

"I guess, but why?" I ask as nicely as possible.

"I sort of don't want to be with my family, because they just learned that I have cancer, and I don't want them to treat me different." he replies.

"OK, if you seriously want to come over at six in the morning, then you can." I reply.

"OK, be there in five!" he replies excitedly.

"Love you." I say.

"Love you, too." he says before hanging up. Well, I have five minutes, so three can be used for sleep, and in the other two, I'll put on some makeup. I get my phone alarm to go off in three minutes, and go to sleep.

-10 minutes later-

"Kylie, are you awake?" I hear a voice say. I open my eyes, look up, and see Ross. He's smiling at me. "Yay, you're up!" he exclaims.

"Ahh!" I scream, shoving my pillow in my face.

"What's wrong?" he asks, sounding concerned.

"I'm not wearing makeup." I reply, with the pillow still concealing my face.

"Babe, that doesn't matter. You'll look beautiful no matter what." he says, yanking the pillow out of my hands.

"No I don't." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, you do." he says, leaning in. I start to lean in, too. Next thing I know, we're having a make out session. Right as it gets heated we pull back. We both know that this is NOT the time, or place. "Do you believe that you're beautiful now?" he asks, laughing.

"Ehh, half and half." I reply, laughing. I suddenly realize that I've not told my parents that Ross is here, or that he has cancer.

"Ross, I'll be right back." I say, as I get up. I walk over to my parents door, and I knock on it. I hear a muffled 'come in' from the other side. I walk in, and see them sitting up, rubbing their eyes.

"Why are you up so early?' my mom asks me.

"Well, Ross just came over." I say back.

"That's fine, but why so early?" she asks.

"Please don't freak out when I say this." I say, feeling very nervous.

"We won't" my dad says.

"Yesterday, Ross was diagnosed with throat cancer, and he didn't want extra attention from his family, so he came here." I say.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!" my mom exclaims.

"Please don't treat him differently, it'll make him feel uncomfortable, and-" I say before I get cut off.

"Kylie, calm down. We won't do or say anything that we shouldn't." my mom says, reassuring me.

"Thanks." I say hugging both of them. "I'm going back to Ross." I say, leaving their room. I walk into my room, and see Ross looking in my closet. "What are you doing?" I ask.

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