Chapter 9

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Kylie's POV

Once we get to the car, Ross walked over to the passenger side, and opened my door for me.

"Thank you, sir." I say in a really bad British accent, while getting into the car.

"You're welcome, my lady." Ross replies, in an even worse accent. We stay there, frozen in the moment for a few seconds, just laughing.

After our little fit of laughter, Ross closes my door, and walks over to the drivers side. Wow, he looks really handsome in his tux. Once he turns the car on, we start driving to our mystery destination. We ride in total silence.

"Can we see what's playing on the radio?" I shyly ask. The silence is killing me!

"Sure." Ross replies back. I turn on the radio, and my favorite song, Treasure by Bruno Mars is on.

"Oh my gosh, this is my favorite non-R5 song!" I say, excitedly.

"Oh yeah, then sing it for me." Ross says with a devilish smile on his face.

"OK!" I say back, laughing. By the time we are at our mystery location, the song has ended.

"That was amazing." Ross says, commenting on my singing.

"Yeah, right." I say back, rolling my eyes. Once I get out of the car, I look up, and see that we are at my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden.

"Ross! This is my favorite restaurant!" I say, very excited that we are here, and that he remembered that I love Olive Garden.

"I know. I wanted our first date to be at your favorite restaurant, so whenever you come here at any time in your life, you will always remember tonight." he says looking at me and smiling.

He looks sort of nervous, too. I don't blame him, that must have taken a lot of guts to say out loud. I'm speechless, so I just smile up at him.

We walk from the car to the inside of the restaurant, silently. It's a good silent, unlike the beginning of the car ride here. When we get in, we see a young woman at the podium thing-y looking at her computer.

"Table for how many?" she asks, not looking up. It's kind of hard to believe that this was me two weeks ago.

"Actually, it's a reservation for Ross Lynch." Ross says back to the lady.

"Oh, sorry! Right this way, guys!" she says, grabbing two menus, leading us to our table. We sit down at our booth, that is a little farther away from the rest of the restaurant craziness. Private booth, I like your style, Lynch. 

"Here's your table, enjoy!" says the hostess, as she walks back to the front of the restaurant. I sit on one side, while Ross sits on the other side.

"Ross, this is amazing!" I say in astonishment of, well, everything!

"Good. I expect amazing from any place I take you." he says, with a serious face on. I laugh a little, assuming he's trying to make a joke. "I'm serious." he says, as I quit laughing.

A waitress comes up, and we both ask for water. She comes back and we order. I get spaghetti and meatballs, while Ross gets raviolis. 

Eventually our food comes out and it's delicious, as I expected. While we eat our food, we talk mostly about R5. I don't mind, because I love them so much.

After we finish, Ross speaks. "Do you want to get dessert?"

"I don't know. I've been trying to watch my weight." I reply.

"Kylie Stonewell, you have a perfect body, you are nowhere near being overweight. Even if you were, you'd still be perfect. So, I'm ordering us both a piece of chocolate cake. You are perfect and you always will be." Ross says. I start laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Ross asks me.

"Because I'm nowhere near perfect." I say, knowing it's true.

"You are perfect, inside and out." he says. I decide arguing back isn't worth it. As promised, he orders us both chocolate cake. It's delicious.

"Kylie, I have a little present for you." he says, as he reaches into his pocket. I instantly feel bad.

"Ross, I wish you told me. I would've gotten you something too." I say, feeling guilty.

"Don't worry." he says, smiling.

"Kylie, from the moment I first saw you, I knew I had to talk to you. Once we talked, I immediately decided that I needed to be with you. Obviously, we are way too young to get married, so instead of an engagement ring, I got you a promise ring. I promise that I will be with you through everything, the good and the bad. I hope you feel like you would do the same for me. That is my promise to you, Kylie Stonewell." he says, as he places a little gold ring onto my left ring finger.

I looked closer and saw that it has R+K= infinity engraved on it. All I can think is 'Woah'. I somehow manage to say, " Ross, I promise I will be with you through everything, the good and the bad, for, well, forever!" I say.

We start to kiss and get interrupted by the bill. Ross hands the waitress his credit card, and I thank him. He gets his card back from the waitress, leaves a tip, and we leave the restaurant. The car ride was silent, but in a good way. "See you tomorrow." I say, leaving the car.

"See ya!" Ross says back. I walk in my house and immediately go up to my room. Once I get up there, I shut the door, and break out into a happy dance. I realize that I'm home alone, so I shout, "BEST NIGHT EVER!"

A/N: We will update this story every Hump Daaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and Saturday!

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