Chapter 20

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Kylie's POV

"Can you sign this?" a little girl asks me, holding up her program for me to sign. Right now, I'm doing a Meet N' Greet after a show, taking pictures and signing autographs for about one hundred fans.

"Sure!" I reply excitedly. She hands me her program, and I sign my autograph, right on the front. Then, we get a picture together, then she walks away. Next, five people walk up. Two blondes and three brunettes. There's one girl, and four boys. They all look related, except for one of the boys. They look sort of familiar, but I just can't place them. They all look like something's missing.

"Can you sign this?" the blonde girl asks, giving me her program. I nod, and sign it for her. Then, her siblings and the other guy give me theirs, and I sign those, too.

"Picture time!" I say excitedly. They all get around me, but two of the boys are arguing about who gets to stand next to me. The whole time they're arguing, something feels like it's missing.

"Rocky, I want to stand here!" the youngest looking one says. Rocky, that name sounds SO familiar!

"Guys, stop. Kylie probably wants to get this over with." the blonde boy says. He looks like he's the oldest.

"Riker, quit acting like the 'leader'. You aren't the leader of us, because we aren't a band anymore, because, you know..." the girl says, trailing off.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask. I think I may know the answer.

"We used to be a band called R5. We had another brother, Ross. He got cancer about three years ago. But, about six months ago, he died from it." the one who looks like he's not related says. Then, all of them try to hold back tears. Wait! I know what's missing! Ross isn't here! This is the band that I used to worship, before they randomly stopped making music. I know why they stopped, now... I can't believe I didn't recognize them! I can't believe I didn't notice that my boyfriend wasn't here!

"Do you guys remember me being Ross' girlfriend?" I ask, hoping that they do. Great, now I'm holding back tears.

"No. We don't remember a lot about Ross. After he died, we tried to block out memory of him, to cope with the loss better. It makes us sad to think about him." the youngest says. Ryland! His name is Ryland!

"Please tell me more of what happened after he died!" I say, desperate for information.

"We have to get the picture with this group, Ms. Stonewell. There are other people waiting." the security guy says to me. We quickly take the picture. "Now, please tell me what all has changed since he died. I need to know." I say, more desperate than before. Just as Riker's about to tell me something, the security guy forces them away.

"Hey! I need to know what happens after he dies! I need to know if this is real!" I exclaim, on the verge of tears.

"Ms. Stonewell, please calm down. There's still a lot of people waiting, and-" the security guy says, before I cut him off,

"I don't care! I HAVE to know what happens to the love of my life!" I say. I put my head into my hands, and start to cry.

"Kylie. Kylie." the security guy says. Suddenly, he vanishes. Then, all of the fans waiting in line vanish, too. Then, even I vanish. I'm questioning what's happening. The next thing I see is Anthony hovering over me, shaking me.

"Kylie, Kylie." he says, trying to awaken me. I have to know if what just happened was a dream or reality.

"Is Ross dead?" I ask.

"No, why?" he asks, looking confused. He sits next to me on my bed.

"I had this dream that I was signing autographs at a show. Ross' siblings and Ratliff came up for autographs and a picture. The whole time they talked amongst themselves, something didn't feel right. I eventually learned it was them. They said that they were going to tell me about all of the changes that took place after Ross died. When they were about to talk, the security guard pulled them away. It was so scary!" I say. At this point, I'm crying. Anthony pulls me into one of his awesome hugs.

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