Chapter 8

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Kylie's POV

I  get back to my house and see my mom and dad sitting on the couch, watching T.V.

"Hi guys!" I say, really happy.

"Hi Ky! Why are you so excited?" my mom asked.

"Ross Lynch asked me to be his girlfriend! I said yes! We have our first official date at 7! Rydel, his sister, is coming over to help me get ready later, and Anthony is coming home! This is the best day ever!" I squeal.

"Sweetie, that is amazing!" my mom says.

"Dad, you're cool with it, right?" I ask, noticing he's been silent this whole time.

"Yes, pumpkin. It's just hard to believe you're growing up." he says back, on the verge of tears.

"Aww, dad!" I say, hugging him. While hugging him, I hear a car door. "ANTHONY!!!!" I scream, as he comes in, drops his bags, and hugs me..

"Kylie, it's so good to see you!" Anthony says, happily.

"We'll let you two hang out now since Kylie has plans later. We can maybe go to dinner with you later, Anthony."  my mom says to us. They leave the room, and Anthony and I walk over to the couch.

"So, what plans do you have tonight, Kylie?" he asks me, looking very interested.

"Well, I have a date with my new boyfriend! You know that band that I love, R5?" I ask. He nods. "Well, I'm dating Ross Lynch from R5!" I squeal excitedly.

"That's cool, Ky! But, if he ever hurts you, he will definitely regret it." he says jokingly, but also slightly serious. I laugh, and tell him about yesterday. After, he tells me about how school in New York was. We basically spend the whole day updating each other on our lives from the past year.

Ross' POV

- 5:30 in the afternoon-

Ahh, my date is in an hour and a half, and I am freaking out! I decide to ask Riker and Rocky for some help and advice. I run to their shared room, open the door, and see that they are both on their phones, probably on twitter.

"Guys, I need help!" I say freaked out.

"You clearly do. Let me show you how to knock, wait in the hall, and come in when greeted by someone." Rocky says, in a joking manor.

"Not helping!" I say back, still freaked out, and now annoyed.

"Is this about you date with Kylie tonight?" Riker asks. I nod. "Rock, let's get started." he says as if he's about to go on a secret mission.

"Sit down, young one." Rocky says patting his bed, indicating for me to sit.

"OK, number one, where are you taking her?" Riker asks me.

"Her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden." I say back.

"OK, so you need a tux. Rocky, you know what to do." Riker says, like a general in the army. Rocky walks over to his closet, and pulls out a very nice tuxedo.

"Here, wear this, and some black converse. Believe me, she'll love it." Rocky says.

"Oh hey Rocky one more thing; can I borrow your car?" I ask, really hoping the answer will be a yes.

"Only this time." he says, in a joking manor.

"Thank you so much guys! I'm going to go get ready!" I say back, feeling a little more confident. They both respond with a 'whatever' or 'cool'. I bump into Rydel on my way to my room.

"Hey, I'm going to Kylie's house to help her get ready for your date. What should she wear?" Rydel asks me.

"Well, I'm taking her to Olive Garden, so something fancy. Don't tell her where I'm taking her!" I say back.

Calm down, I'm not going to tell her." she says, walking out the door. I really hope tonight goes well...

Kylie's POV

It's six, and I'm waiting on Rydel to come help me get ready. I start to wonder where Ross is taking me on our first official date. My thought gets interrupted by the doorbell. I go to the door and open it.

When I open it, I see Rydel with a lot of 'supplies'. When I say 'supplies' I'm talking about a curler, a lot of makeup, and a white sack long enough to hold a dress.

"Ready to get ready for the best night of your life?" she asks me, with a happy smirk on her face.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I say back laughing.

"Let's go!" she says as she takes my hand, pulling me upstairs to my room.

"OK, step one, we curl your hair!" Rydel says excitedly. Once she calms down a little, she starts. After about ten minutes, she's done, and my hair looks amazing!

"Oh my gosh, Rydel, my hair looks amazing!" I say, slightly taken aback by the fantastic job she did.

"Thanks, but we are only a third of the way done with 'Date Prep'. she says excitedly.

"OK, what's next?" I say laughing.

"Step two, makeup." she says with a serious expression on her face, as if she's on a mission. I'm sitting in the 'makeup chair' thinking about how amazing this is. When she's done, I notice it's been ten minutes. Weird. It felt like two.

"Done!" she squeals excitedly. I'm pretty taken aback by the 'finished product'. I'm wearing foundation, mascara, bottom eyeliner, silver sparkly top eyeliner, and pink eye shadow.

"You like?" Delly asks.

"I don't like it... I love it!" I squeal back to her.

"Awesome! Now for the final and best step, your dress!" she says handing me the white plastic sack. I open it, and I find a pink dress with white polka dots. It has matching white heels.

"Delly, it's amazing!" I say excitedly.

"Great! Now, Ross will be here in five minutes, so I'll leave." she says, smiling.

"Delly, thank you so much, I love everything!" I say back.

"Anytime girlie. I'm just so glad that Ross has found a girl who makes him truly happy." she says to me smiling bigger than ever. I blush at her comment, and say thank you as she walks out of my house. As promised, Ross comes in exactly five minutes.

"Ready to go?" he asks me, looking nervous, but excited.

"Yes." I say smiling as big as Rydel. He takes my hand and leads me over to Rocky's blue jeep.

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