Chapter 2: New Life

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A/N: just for the people who don't know when this takes place. It is chapter 9 The Badge and The Burden Part 1, Also I found a Red Like Roses that uses Piano (video above)

(Y/N) POV:

You are walking to your new team's dorm. When you reach the door you hear a whistle and somebody shouting and hitting the ground. You open the door to 4 girls, a short black haired girl with red tint and sliver eyes, a very pale girl with white hair and icy blue eyes, another blacked haired with a bow on the top of her head and amber eyes, and lastly a long blonde haired girl with lilac eyes.

"Good morning team RWBY!" Ruby shouted

"What in the world is wrong with you?!" Weiss exclaimed

"Now, that you are awake we can officially begin our first order of business!" Ruby said

"Excuse me?" Weiss said, confused by what she meant

"Decorating!" Yang shouted

"What?!" Weiss exclaimed angrily

"We still have to unpack. . . And clean." Blake said

Ruby blows the whistle

Then they FINALLY notice you

"Uh... Hi" You said awkwardly

"And who are you!" Weiss screamed

"I'm-" You began to say before Ruby interrupted you

"Hey I know you, you're the one who beat the Nevermore and Deathstalker to death with your hands!" She yelled in excitement

"Hmm... Oh, you mean the giant scorpion and bird." You said because you were still learning the types of Grimm's names.

"Yeah! Also, what's your name?" Ruby asked

"It's (Y/n) (L/n)" You said introducing yourself

You started to look around the room and saw they hadn't unpacked anything at all.

"I'm guessing you guys haven't unpacked your stuff yet?" You asked

"Not yet." She said

"Best get going then." You said

"Yep! Bonzai!" Ruby shouted

"Bonzai!" Yang and Blake shouted in unison

Weiss sighed in disappointment

After decorating the room You noticed Blake hiding a book the title said "Ninjas of Love," but that wasn't a problem. The problem was there was no room for the beds.

"This isn't going to work," Weiss said

"It is a bit cramped," Blake commented

"Maybe we ditch some of our stuff?" Yang suggested

"Or . . . We could ditch the beds and replace them with BUNKBEDS!" Ruby said while increasing in volume

"Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous" Weiss commented

"And super awesome!" Yang said

"It does seem efficient," Blake said

"Well, we should put it to a vote" Weiss suggested

"Ha, I think we just did," Ruby said

You put two thumbs up, Blake put a one thumbs up, Yang made the rock symbol on both hands, and Weiss stuck her tongue out. After a bit of work, You guys made the bunkbeds, but you could tell that it was pretty bad in its construction.

"Objective complete! Alright, Our second order of business ISSS... Classes. Now, We have a few classes together today at nine we've got-" Ruby said reading off a schedule

"What?! Did you say nine o'clock?!" Weiss shouted

"Umm . . ." Ruby didn't know the time

"It's eight fifty-five, you dunce!" Weiss yelled at her

She then ran out of the room.

"Uh . . . To Class!" Ruby said while also sprinting out of the room

She ran then Blake, Yang, and finally You.

"Class?" Jaune said questionly

Then Team JNPR fell out of their dorm room

"We're going to be late!" He said while starting to run as well

All of you are running. You managed to get ahead of Weiss, even though You were barely running fast.

Timeskip to Class

"Monsters! Demons. . .Prowlers of the Night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah! Haha." Professor Port said trying to be cool

'This is going to be a long class.' You thought

The only thing he talked about was his life as a boy, but Ruby did draw a very accurate picture of him. All of us chuckled quietly. Weiss was not in a good mood though. You could tell she was getting angry. Ruby started doing many tricks that you once believed were impossible while Port was still talking.

"The moral of this story. A true huntsman must be honorable. A true huntsman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic, Well-educated, and Wise! So, who among you believe themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port asked

Weiss' hand shot up in an instant.

"I do Sir!" Weiss shouted

"Well, then let's find out. Step forward and face your opponent" Professor Port said

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