Chapter 51: Necessary Sacrifice

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Oscar is in a training room while wielding Ozpin's cane, The Long Memory. As he pants from exhaustion, he hears a voice enter the room. It was Ruby.

"You're really getting better, huh?" Ruby begins to walk down the stairs into the room, "Are you hungry? It's almost dinnertime."

"Uh, yeah. That sounds good. I was about to call it a night anyway." Oscar said

"So, you've never fought before?" Ruby asked Oscar

"Just the occasional small Grimm. Nothing like this, though." He replied

"Wow." She giggles, "You look like a natural."

"It's strange, I have only had this cane for a few weeks, but... I feel like I've had it for a lifetime. Longer, even." he paused for a brief moment of thought, "I sound like a crazy person."

"I mean, uh, yeah just a little. But at this pace, you'll be combat-ready in no time!" Ruby said

Suddenly, she begins to frown upon mentioning that last phrase. Oscar takes notice of this and tries to ask a question before Ruby interrupts him.

"Uh..." Oscar says trying to think of a question

"Well, see you upstairs." Ruby said

"How do you handle all of this?" He finally asked her

"What do you mean?" She replied with a question of her own.

"I'm... scared." his voice begins to break, "I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life, than I ever thought was possible." he starts to walk over to a weapon rack, "I always knew that I wanted to be more than a farmhand, but this?" He places the cane on the rack, "Who would ask for this?"

He glances down at the floor as a tear drips from his eye. He sniffles before kneeling to the floor to reach his backpack. He grabs the cane off the rack and pulls the lever on the handle to compact it before putting it in his backpack.

"We all went to Beacon because we wanted to help people. But, you're right. None of us asked for this either. We just have to press on and--" Ruby tried to explain to Oscar

"How can you be so confident?! People have tried to kill you! The world's about to go to war all over again! How are you okay with any of this?!!" He bursted out. Ruby is taken aback by his question. She began to frown again as she says her response.

"When Beacon fell, I lost two of my friends: Penny Polendina and my boyfriend (Y/n) (L/n). I didn't know Penny for very long and (Y/n) was otherworldly in a way, but that doesn't change the fact that they were two of the most kind-hearted people I have ever met. But that didn't save them. Penny... was killed... just to make a statement. and (Y/n) sacrificed himself to save Pyrrha. (Y/n) didn't even know where he was a year ago. He was a lot like you at the time. He didn't know about aura or semblance, or even Grimm. But even then he fought and killed a Deathstalker that had been chasing me. And after that, he came to Beacon. He got to be with our team. I started to develop a crush on him and him on me. Then after searching for one of our teammates, I learned that he wasn't from Remnant at all. He was from a different dimension. That didn't stop me from loving him, however. He thought I would have disliked him knowing that he wasn't from here. He was a big dummy sometimes." She cracked a smile for a brief second, but then returned to a frown, "Then after the fighting festival was ended by Cinder and the Grimm dragon thing was awaken, we used went up Ozpin's tower... and that's where (Y/n) sacrificed himself for Pyrrha." Ruby gave a lengthy history lesson.

"I'm... sorry." Oscar apologized

"I am scared, but not just for me. What happened at Beacon shows that Salem doesn't care if you're standing against her or not. She'll kill anybody, and that scares me most of all. (Y/n)... Penny... I'd be lying if I said that it didn't hurt, that I didn't think about them every day since I lost them, that I didn't wish I had spent more time with them. If it had been me instead, I know they would have kept fighting too, no matter how dangerous it was. So that's what I choose to do - to keep moving forward." Ruby then removed Dustcaliber from her back, "However (Y/n) did give me something before he left."

Oscar walks up next to Ruby, and they both share a smile. Ruby wipes tears coming from her eyes with her arm.

Ruby puts Dustcaliber back on her back and puts a hand on Oscar's shoulder. "C'mon, if we don't hurry, Nora's gonna eat everything. It wouldn't be the first time."

Ruby then begins to leave the room as Oscar lingers for a bit.

"Hey, Oscar? This isn't gonna be easy, but the fact that you're even trying says a lot about you. You're braver than you think." Ruby said before going up the stairs while Oscar watches. But then something odd happens. A rift begins to appear in the sky. Ruby and Oscar hear this and proceed to go outside the training hall. Then everyone else in the house comes outside after hearing the rift open.

"What is that?!" Jaune shouted

"I don't know!" Ruby shouted back

Then something or someone begins to fall out of it. They hear the cries of someone saying, "F******************CCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!" Then that someone crashed outside the training hall right in front of everyone's eyes. There was a big crater left by the impact of the fall. Then the rift closes and the person in the crater began to stand up. Team RNJR and the rest of them have their mouths agape at the sight.

"Owwwww... that hurt a lot," They heard the mysterious figure say, "Where am I though?"

Then the dust settled and everyone could see who it was. It was (Y/n) back from the "grave!" Ruby was so overwhelmed with joy that her semblance activated and crashed into (Y/n).

"Nevermind, I know where I am now." (Y/n) said, as he began to hug Ruby. "Hi Rubes, did you miss me?"

"You know I did!" Ruby said while beginning to cry tears of joy.

(Y/n) held Ruby tighter and said, "I love you."

Ruby replied, "I love you too."

The group was still trying to wrap their minds around this scene. Oscar had no idea who this was, but Ozpin did. As well as everyone else did as well.

"Hey Rubes I think I need to go explain things to the others and to you." said (Y/n) 

Ruby was muffled by burying her face into your clothes, "You better explain things!"

(Y/n) chuckled a bit. "You know I will." Then (Y/n) picked Ruby up bridal style and began to walk towards the others.

"Hey y'all," said (Y/n), "Guess I should explain things now."

"Please do," Qrow said, "I'm sure everyone here is intrigued"

"Yes, but first let's get something to drink, Milk for Ruby and I'll get some water" (Y/n) said, and when he did Ruby smiled when he said to get milk for her. They begin to walk inside and getting the drinks for everyone. Mainly just water except for Qrow's alcohol, Ruby's milk, and Nora's energy drink. They all sat in the den with (Y/n) sitting in one of the chairs with Ruby on his lap.

"Now let's get to the explaining part." (Y/n) said.

A/n: Yes! I've been planning this part for god knows how long. And it's finally been written. You're ready to kick some ass now? I know you are. and the fact that I don't censor my Author's note, but I do censor the word F*ck. I don't know tbh. Thought it looked better may or may not change. But without further ado, I'll say when I'm updating next. Sad to say there is no update this Saturday for reasons of Thanksgiving, but do not Fret! There will be a new part. Now I'll catch yall later!

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