Chapter 26: A Date

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Your POV

You woke up next to Ruby like always. It was a Saturday morning, No classes. You got off the bed and got dressed in the bathroom. You walked back to your dorm room and saw Ruby on the bed awake.

"Good morning." You said

"Good morning." She said, yawning and stretching her arms

"Looks like the rest of the team is not awake yet. Wanna go get some breakfast?" You asked

"Sure, let me get dressed." Ruby said, getting off the bed

You walked outside and waited for her to join you. About a minute later she came out dressed out in her usual attire.

"Alright, let's go!" You said

"Yeah!" Ruby replied

You both began to walk down to the mess hall holding each other's hands. When you got there, you noticed there were a couple of new faces.

"Hey, Ruby looks like there are a couple of new people here, want to go meet them?" You asked

"Sure!" She said holding onto your arm

You both began to walk over to them. There were 3 people sitting at the table. You recognized one of them as Axel from Glynda's class. The other two, however, are new to you. Eli walked in on the other side of the cafeteria a couple minutes after you and Ruby walked in. You waved him over and started up a conversation.

"Where have you been?" You asked

"I went back up to Atlas to help fix the damages I caused, then all the boat trips back were delayed because of some Seadragon grimm." He replied.

"I heard about that, didn't it escape before the Huntsmen were able to kill it?" Ruby asked.

Before he could answer, Yang and the rest of team RWBY bust through the doors and started Shouting, "Ruby! Where are you?"

"Over here!" She answered. "We found Eli!"

"Where have you been?" Weiss and Blake asked in unison.

He told them the same story.

"That's what happened? Wow! That must've been annoying" Yang said

"Yep." Eli said emphasizing the "p"

"Well, Ruby and I were going to introduce ourselves to the new people." You said

"Oh yeah. Let's go." Ruby said, taking your hand and pulling you towards them

You both were right behind Axel. You tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Hello." He said rather quiet

You waved and said "Hi! My name's (Y/n) and this is Ruby" You pointed to Ruby as she waved

"Hello, my name is Axel and this Hunter" He pointed to one of the guys behind him who had fiery orange hair and sky blue eyes. "And this is Darron" He pointed to the other guys who was wearing a hood over his head, but still could see his black hair, but he had a very odd trait. One of his eyes was a dark red and the other dark blue.

"Wait a minute. Axel, isn't this the guy who beat Pyrrha?" Hunter asked

"News spreads that quickly huh? I only beat her a couple days ago." You said holding the back of your head with one hand.

"Yep." Darron said

"Anyway, welcome to Beacon!" You said holding out your hand

Axel looked at your hand for a moment and then shook it.

[Timeskip - 1 day later]

You learned that Hunter and Darron just joined Beacon a couple days ago and learned that Darron was a wolf Faunus. Right now, you were wandering the streets of Vale with Ruby, just looking for something to do. You both just passed by the movie theater. 'Regal Hollywood 24' You thought 'I guess they might have one in every universe.' You remembered when you would go to the theater with your family. 'Those times feel so far away, but it has not even been a year yet.' You thought to yourself.

"Hey, Ruby want to go to the movies?" You asked pointing to the theater

"Sure! What's playing?" She asked

You looked at the list of movies. Most of them you didn't recognize, but one stood out Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

"Have you ever seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2?" You asked

"No. Is it good?" Ruby asked

"I have, but I'm not sure if it's the same or not." You said

"Then you can't spoil it then! Let's go!" Ruby said, excitedly, walking in the theater

"I never spoil movies anyway." You whispered

You got your tickets, but you now owe Ruby because all you had was (Your currency).

"You owe me now. Remember that." Ruby said cheerfully

"I got it I got it." You said rubbing the back of your head and smiling

You got a large popcorn and drinks while Ruby went to the theater and get you both seats. After you got the food, you went towards theater 12. When you entered, You saw Ruby immediately. You then walk over and sat beside her. You looked at each other and smiled as the movie started. After the movie ended, you both walked out of the theater and headed towards Beacon.

"Well, that movie has a good soundtrack." Ruby said

"I have the songs you do know that right?" You said

Ruby stopped in her tracks and so did you. She looked at you wide-eyed.

"You do?!" She said extremely excited

"Yep." You said as you smiled "I will play them when we get back to the dorm."

"You will!" Ruby shouted happily

"Yeah." You said nonchalantly

Ruby quickly took your hand and used her semblance to get to Beacon in record time. She was fine while you were collapsed on the ground and probably suffering from whiplash

"You should have held the back of my head." You said

"Sorry." Ruby said innocently

"I forgive you." You said wrapping your arm around her.

You went back to the dorm and grabbed your phone from earth. You led Ruby towards the roof. You sat down and she sat down beside you. You opened your phone and played "Mr. Blue Sky". After that song was done you played "Southern Nights". You laid down on your back as it was playing and Ruby does the same. You stare at each other for a couple of minutes and Ruby then kissed you. You began to kiss back both of you struggling for dominance. You eventually won after Ruby's persistence had gone away.  You both stopped after thirty seconds to catch your breaths.

"I love you, Ruby." You said 

"I love you too, (Y/n)" Ruby replied

You both looked at the sky, it had turned night and you both just stared at the starry sky for as long as possible.

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