Chapter 38: Eli's Rage

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Eli's POV

I was with Seraphina killing all the grimm I saw insight. Until I heard Seraphina scream, I turned around saw her looking at this guy in a blue shirt, black jeans, and a white hoodie. I rushed to her side saying "Seraphina! Are you okay!?"

She looked back at me with fear in her eyes. I looked forward to the guy. He was a little big and looked like he had acne scars.

"Are you her boyfriend?" He asked in a threatening tone

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I replied reciprocating his tone

"Eli! Stay out of this!" Seraphina shouted in concern.

I was stunned to hear this. She was always calm and collected, but now it's like she has PTSD.

"He wants me!" She continued

"Well, he's not going to get you." I said firmly

"We'll see about that." He said then he disappeared.

I looked around to see where he went, but nothing was there.

"UP HERE DUMBASS!" I heard him say

I looked up and saw his fist an inch from my face. I tried to react, but it was too late. His fist collided with face sending me sprawling onto the ground. My face began bruising despite my aura activating. I stood up and lunged at him and attempted to blast him with a sound wave, but to no avail. He simply disappeared again. This time, I felt his fist hit my jaw and knocked me out.

[TimeSkip - 5 Mins later]

I sprang up from my little nap. I began to look around after I stood up. Seraphina and the guy were no longer there anymore.

"SERAPHINA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I felt all my sadness and rage come up to the surface. I started to feel like if I was feral. I used my semblance for the first in months. My semblance allows me to control all sound and detect where certain sounds are. I began to listen all the sounds around me. I scanned every sound. I heard grimm running around, Huntsmen and Huntresses running to stop them. I kept searching knowing that they had to be there somewhere. Then, I heard it. I heard shouting at him, screaming for my name. This filled me with even more rage. I began to sprint in their direction. Grimm were starting to advance on me because of my negative emotions. The first grimm was a beowulf that lunged at me with its claws. I dodged its claws and grabbed its face and crushed it. The next few grimm tried to team up against me. Two of them tried to jump in the air and attack while the other two tried just coming in from the ground. I jumped up higher than all of them and landed on one of the beowulf's heads, smashing it into the ground while punching the other one into a building. The other two looked like they had begun to fear me, then their eyes changed gray. I recognized this ability. It was Seraphina's semblance. They began to run towards Seraphina's location. I ran after them. When we arrived, the city looked deserted. Then I heard Seraphina screaming.


I sprinted in the direction of Seraphina's voice, hoping, internally praying I would get there in time.

As I closed in on where Seraphina's cries originated from I heard the abuse Eugene was dealing out to her, the slaps, punches, the whole shabang only leading me to increase my speed even further, past my limits.After running in a dead sprint for a little under a minute I found the clearing this so called "Eugene" had dragged MY Seraphina into.

Before I had even taken my second step into the small clearing my head had already whipped to where Seraphina was being held against a tree by Eugene. As I studied him for a moment to make sure to pick out his weaknesses I saw him utterly failing at getting his overly tight jeans down which made me start laughing uncontrollably. At the sound of my uncontained laughter Eugene jerked his head in my direction with a look of pure rage on his face, while Seraphina quickly turned her head in my direction with a shit-eating grin slowly but surely spreading across her face at the beating she knew I would give to Eugene.

"You bastard, how did you even find us," Eugene all but growled at me while puffing out his chest attempting to intimidate me.

"Well first off, I found you from the cries for help and I followed the beowulfs that Seraphina brought here using her semblance," I sassily replied back hoping to infuriate him even further.

"You bitch!" Eugene yelled, while he angrily turned his head to face in Seraphina's direction. "I'll just have to make you ever regret crossing me," He said while an evil grin spread across his face.

"Oh no you don't, mister I have no friends so I'm going to kidnap someone and force them to be my friend," I called out in a bored voice to rile him up beyond human capacities.

As soon as my sentence processed through his most likely empty head, he made some odd noise I can only assume was some sort of weird war cry to try and scare me into submission. Sadly for this creep, he sounded dumb as hell and just made me want to slap him so he would shut up. Shortly after his weird war cry he charged at me without disappearing for once, this allowed me to quickly snap my arm out and punch him in the nose, instantly shattering it, blood gushing out like it was nobody's business. While he was stunned I quickly brought my leg up in a roundhouse kick and sent him flying into the tree where Seraphina was leaning against. He slumped down almost as if giving up before looking up with a crazed and psychotic look in his eyes. Instead of rushing me like he did last time he slowly turned his gaze to where Seraphina sat completely vulnerable. He muttered something I couldn't hear but by the expression on Seraphina's face I knew it had to be bad, moments later my thoughts were proven true when I saw Eugene get up, walk over to Seraphina who was still helpless and start to grope her.

There was no other way to put my rage than to say I saw black, not red, black. I went from standing still to dead sprint in a matter of seconds, instantly rushing past Seraphina and Eugene with only one change occurring. I had snatched Eugene up by the neck, holding him with a vice grip that was slowly cutting off his oxygen. In my rage and wanting to vent I started punching the living shit out of him, all over his body hitting his family jewels on more than one occasion. When I had figured enough damage was done through punching he no longer looked like a being, and more like a multi-colored lump that was twitching on the floor. But after seeing his face was still in a somewhat decent condition, compared to the rest of his body that is. My rage had instantly come back and I had taken the heaviest stone I could find, dropped it on his chest, then sat on the rock kicking him repeatedly in the face. After another 5 or so minutes I heard the first crack of his ribs from the constant pressure. Once most of his ribs were broken I dropped the rock on his right leg, crushing it while also bending it in the wrong direction. Then I snapped both of his elbows in the wrong direction so they were in 90 degree angles with the former insides of his arm having become the outside while also crushing all of his fingers under my feet so they were disfigured beyond use again. I figured he had been tortured enough and decided to just end his suffering... So I ripped his head off in a final burst of rage and fed his body to the 2 beowolfs that were still lingering about after the call from Seraphina. After that, my rage finally left me.

"Sorry you had to see that... Are you okay?" I said

"Thanks to you Eli, I am." She said

I looked around at all the destruction and I decided it would be better to get out of here.

"Hey Sera?" I said

"Yeah?" She said questioningly

"Let's get outta here." I said

"Yeah, let's go to Vacuo." She said

"That's going to be a hard journey." I said

"Yeah, but no one can get us there." She added

"Then let's go." I held out my hand to her and she took it

Then we began to walk across this destroyed kingdom. I thought to myself 'Sorry (Y/n), I won't be able to be there for you and our friends, but I'll be back.'

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