Chapter 17: Dance Dance Infiltration

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You and Ruby got off the dance floor after some dancing. You both went to the punch bowl to get a drink. Jaune came up right beside us and said "I see you're both hiding at the punch bowl too."

"Yep." You and Ruby said emphasizing the "p"

"To the socially awkward." Jaune said holding his glass out

You and Ruby laughed a little bit and clinked glasses with him..

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss." Ruby said

"Yeah, seriously" You added

"Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him." Jaune said

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked

"Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." Jaune explained

Jaune began to drink his punch.

"No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone." Ruby said

Jaune choked in surprise.

"Uh, what?" Jaune said, confused turning towards us

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." You explained, then drank some punch

"Hold my punch." Jaune said, in a low growl

Jaune hands Ruby his glass and no sooner than he vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from his cup.

"Ruby why did you drink from his cup?" You asked

"Wait I did?" Ruby said confused

"Yeah ya did" You said drinking some more punch. "Come on, let's go meet up with Yang"

"Ok" Ruby said, setting Jaune's cup down and writing his name on it with conveniently placed marker on the table.

You and Ruby headed up to stairs to meet with Yang. She was leaning on a rail looking at the dance floor. You and Ruby goes towards the rail and lean on it as well.

"You know? I think we really needed this." Yang said

"Yeah, and you did a great job planning it too!" Ruby complemented

"Aw, thanks! It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too." Yang said, pulling Ruby into a one-arm hug while Ruby flails around

Yang chuffed then said "Tomorrow it's back to work."

"I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us." Ruby said

You then burst out in laughter and said "Ex-cept for that."

Ruby and Yang look down and see Jaune in a dress. They began laughing hard too.

[Play music video above]

Team JNPR then put on a show of a choreographed dance.

"Hey Ruby" You said

"Yeah?" Ruby asked

"Want to go get some fresh air" You said

"Sure" She said

Ya'll began to walk outside the dance hall. While you were out there you saw a figure with black clothes going from rooftop to rooftop. Ruby must've saw it to because began walking towards the figure. You followed as well. You both reached the CCTS Tower. Outside the building, You and Ruby approach and see a unconscious guard. Ruby gasped and pulls out her , dialing for her weapon which crashes into the courtyard and opens to reveal . You re-made your pistol whip except this time it had a supressor. You knew the suppressor wouldn't do much normally, but since the dance was blaring music thanks to Eli it would make it useful in this scenario. You both went to the elevator and went to the top floor. When you arrived, You both began to walk out.

"Hello?" Ruby called out. She then stumbled again and called out "Is anyone there? Hello?"

A mysterious woman stood up from one of the desks.

"Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-!" Ruby began to explain, but was cut off

She threw a vial of Ice dust that turned into ice shards, at us more specially aimed at Ruby. Ruby spun her scythe and blocked all the shards. You switched your gun to your other hand and made a sword of aura. It was your (a/c). 'Been awhile since I used this' You thought. Just then the elevator opened and showed Ironwood. You and Ruby then looked back and found that the woman disappeared. You dissipated your sword and stored your pistol whip back in the Blade Works.

"Come with me" Ironwood said in a stern voice

You complied so did Ruby. You followed him back to the dance hall.

"We will ask you questions later" Was all he said before he left.

"Well, I guess we just go back inside" You assumed

"Yeah too much craziness for the night that is supposed to be a day off." Ruby said

You walk back inside and instantly heard your name called on a megaphone.

"(Y/n)!" Eli shouted in the megaphone

"God what?!" You yelled, turning attention towards You and Eli.

"Remember High school dancing?" Eli asked

"I am not dancing like that again" You said

"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" Eli and others began to chant, even Ruby began to chant.

"Alright! Fine! I'll do it" You said

"Yes!" Eli said

[Insert Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy, please wait until sing ends]

You fell forward and put your hand on the ground and began breakdancing You started out with jackhammers then turned into flares, then into windmills. You kept this up for about an hour before getting too tired while you were doing to though everybody was cheering you on. Then the dance ended shortly after. You went back to your dorm and collapsed on your's and Ruby's bed.

"I guess that wore you out alot" Yang said laying on her bed

"Yeah it did" You said "I'm going to feel like crap tomorrow"

"You did good" Ruby beginning to laying down next to you

"I never knew you could do that" Weiss said lying down on her bed

"Me neither" Blake said getting on her bed and starting to read her book

"Let's get some sleep" You said

"Night" Yang said

"Good night" Weiss said

"Night" Blake said

"Night" Ruby said

"Good night everybody" You said

A/N: And that ends the dance. Anybody else think that the excessive good nights were too excessive? Let me know.

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